Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 August 2017
The method of the Second Spectral Survey carried out with the Byurakan 1-m Schmidt telescope is discussed. The limiting magnitude is fainter in comparison with the First Byurakan Survey at about 2–3 m .
The results of low dispersion (500 objects) and slit spectroscopy (300 objects) based on observations with the 6-m telescope of Special Astrophysical Observatory for four fields of the Second Survey are presented.
The luminosity function of faint UV galaxies is discussed. The completeness of AGN of the Second Survey and their surface and space densities are also estimated. The surface density of QSO and ELG is estimated and these data are compared with the results of other surveys.
New observational data obtained with the 6-m telescope are compared with the new data of different deep surveys carried out during last years.