This annual award, in honor of SSLA Founding Editor Albert Valdman, is for an outstanding paper in the previous year's volume.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Albert Valdman Award for outstanding publication in 2023 is:
"Text reading in English as a second language: Evidence from the Multilingual Eye-Movements Corpus" by Victor Kuperman, Noam Siegelman, Sascha Schroeder , Cengiz Acartürk , Svetlana Alexeeva , Simona Amenta, Raymond Bertram, Rolando Bonandrini, Marc Brysbaert, Daria Chernova, Sara Maria Da Fonseca, Nicolas Dirix, Wouter Duyck, Argyro Fella, Ram Frost, Carolina A. Gattei, Areti Kalaitzi, Kaidi Lõo, Marco Marelli, Kelly Nisbet , Timothy C. Papadopoulos, Athanassios Protopapas, Satu Savo, Diego E. Shalom, Natalia Slioussar, Roni Stein, Longjiao Sui, Analí Taboh, Veronica Tønnesen and Kerem Alp Usal
Please join us in congratulating these authors on their contribution to the journal and to the field.
Albert Valdman Award Winners
2022: Kazuya Saito, Hui Sun, Magdalena Kachlicka, John Robert Carvajal Alayo, Tatsuya Nakata, and Adam Tierney for “Domain-General Auditory Processing Explains Multiple Dimensions of L2 Acquisition in Adulthood” Volume 44 Issue 1
2021: Frank Boers, Lara Bryfonski, Farahnaz Faez, and Todd McKay for "A call for cautious interpretation of meta-analytic reviews" Volume 43 Issue 1
2020: Cécile De Cat for "Predicting language proficiency in bilingual children" Volume 42, Issue 2.
2019: Karen Roehr-Brackin and Angela Tellier for “The role of language-analytic ability in children’s instructed second language learning” Volume 41, Issue 5
2018: Cecile De Cat, Arief Gusnanto, and Ludovica Serratrice, for "Identifying a Threshold for the Executive Function Advantage in Bilingual Children," Volume 40, Issue 1
2017: Tania Leal, Roumyana Slabakova, and Thomas A. Farmer, for "The Fine-Tuning of Linguistic Expectations over the Course of L2 Learning," Volume 39, Issue 3
and Payman Vafaee, Yuichi Suzuki, and Ilina Kachisnke for "Validating Grammaticality Judgment Tests: Evidence from Two New Psycholinguistic Measures," Volume 39 Issue 1
2016: Akira Murakami and Theodora Alexopoulou, for "L1 Influence on the Acquisition Order of English Grammatical Morphemes: A Learner Corpus Study," Volume 38, Issue 3
2015: Gregory D. Keating and Jill Jegerski, for "Experimental Designs in Sentence Processing Research: A Methodological Review and User's Guide," Volume 37, Issue 1
2014: Dr. Sible Andringa, for "The Use of Native Speaker Norms in Critical Period Hypothesis Research," Volume 36, Issue 3