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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2016
During the nineteenth century, the High Church revival tradition initiated by Henric Schartau (1757-1825) was widely spread and accepted in western Sweden. According to Bishop Wordsworth of Salisbury, Schartau ‘had something of the character of Dr. Pusey in his relation to those who consulted him, but, in his position at Lund, and his general influence, he was perhaps more like his English contemporary, Charles Simeon (1759-1836), at Cambridge’. Wordsworth found great merit in his teaching, being ‘strong and spiritual, and without the defects of Moravian or Pietistic sentimentality’. During his Scandinavian journey in 1889, Randall Davidson characterized the followers of Schartau as a High Church party in their emphasis on private confession and their strict rules of conduct. On the other hand he found them to be zealous about the Sabbath, and preaching conversion in a quasi-Methodist way. Here, we shall study this movement through the examples of three women of urban culture. The Schartau tradition has been studied mainly with emphasis on its doctrines and clergy, and as a rural tradition connected to the unchanging values and structures of the old rural society. Through these examples of urban women, the general impact of the tradition is widened, and the emphasis is put on the changes in reception of the tradition among lay people in a changing society.
1 Wordsworth, John, The National Church of Sweden (London, 1911), pp. 364–5.Google Scholar
2 London, Lambeth Palace Library, R. T. Davidson Papers, vol. 522, 28 Aug, 9 Sept.
3 See Hulthén, Tore, Jesu Regering. En studie i Henric Schartaus teologiska ȧskȧdning i jämförelse med ortodox, pietistisk och wolffiansk lärouppfattning, 1 (Lund, 1969), p. 172.Google Scholar
4 Alcoff, Linda, ‘Cultural feminism versus post-structuralism: the identity crisis in feminist theory’, Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 13 (1987-8), p. 434 Google Scholar. Teresa de Lauretis, ‘Feminist studies/critical studies: issues, terms, contexts’, in Teresa de Lauretis, ed., Feminist Studies/Critical Studies (Bloomington, IN, 1986), p. 180.
5 Banks, Olive, Faces of Feminism, A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement (Oxford, 1981), pp. 3–4, 242–3.Google Scholar
6 Ibid., pp. 4, 13–27, 242–3; Sanders, Hanne, Bondevxkkelse og sekularisering. En protestantisk folkelig kultur i Danmark og Sverige 1820–1850 (Stockholm, 1995), pp. 185, 197.Google Scholar
7 Hägglund, Bengt, Semantik och traditionsforskning. Ett kompendium i metodfragor (Lund, 1969), pp. 45–9.Google Scholar
8 Lindblad, Carl S., Fran sista seklets gryning i Göteborgs stift. Abela Gullbransson (Göteborg, 1922), pp. 6–7 Google Scholar.
9 Ibid., pp. 113–14; Banks, Faces of Feminism, p. 13.
10 As early as in 1812 she copied Schartau’s instructions for a correct reading of the Scriptures, which were not printed until the 1820s, Carl S. Lindblad, ‘Författarinnan och hennes skrifter’, in Abela Gullbransson, For hemmets stilla stunder. Betraktelser, ed. Carl S. Lindblad (Stockholm, 1923), p. VI. The correspondence has been noted by Valborg Lindgarde, ‘Ordets kraft’, in Fadcrshuset. 1800-talet. Nordisk kvinnolitteraturhistoria, 2 (Höganäs, 1993), p. 195.
11 Hulthén, Jesu Regering, pp. 172–3.
12 Goteborg, Göteborgs Universitetsbibliotek, C. S. Lindblads samling. Cf. Lindgärde, ‘Ordets kraft’, p. 195.
13 Gullbransson, Abela, Uppbyggliga Sȧnger och Böner urid ȧtsktlliga tillfällen jemte ett Brefom Nȧdetillstȧndet (Götheborg, 1825), pp. 148–52.Google Scholar
14 Lindblad, Frȧn sista seklets, p. 128; Carl S. Lindblad, ‘“Moder och dotter”. Abela Gullbransson och Maria Lundström-Torell’, in Julhälsningar till församlingama frȧn präster i Göteborgs stift (Göteborg, 1930), pp. 128–53.
15 Gullbransson, Uppbyggliga Sȧnger, pp. 166–7.
16 Ibid., p. 119.
17 Lauretis, ‘Feminist studies/critical studies’, p. 180.
18 Aberg, Ingrid, ‘Revivalism, philanthropy and emancipation. Women’s liberation and organization in the early nineteenth century’, Scandinavian Journal of History, 13 (1988), pp. 406–7.Google Scholar
19 Gullbransson, Abela, For hemmets; Lindblad, Carl S., ‘Nȧgra blickar in i det andliga prästadömets verk i Göteborgs stift’, in Julhälsningar till församlingama frȧn prästa i Göteborgs stiff (Göteborg, 1933), pp. 47–62 Google Scholar, and Nelson, Gosta, Den västsvenska kristendomstypen [Vol. 1]. Dess uppkomst och fösta utvecklingsskede (Stockholm, 1933)Google Scholar, respectively.
20 Jarlert, Anders, ‘Och lar mig sucka innerlig … En pilotundersokning av personliga privatanteckningar, s. k. suckbocker, i västsvensk folkfromhet’, in Jarlert, Anders, ed., Hilma Christenssons suckbocker (Goteborg, 1987), p. 14.Google Scholar
21 Ibid., p. 39.
22 Osterberg, Eva, Folk förr. Historiska essäer (Stockholm, 1995), pp. 215–16 Google Scholar.
23 Jarlert, ‘Och lar mig sucka innerlig’, pp. 39–40.
24 On the feminization, see Ȧberg, ‘Revivalism, philanthropy and emancipation’, p. 407.
25 Jarlert, ‘Och lar mig sucka innerlig’, pp. 37–8.
26 On the following, see ibid., ch. 7.
27 Johan A. Bogren, Den kyrkliga själavȧrden. Föredrag vid prästsälbkapets sammantmde i Goteborg 14 sept. 1926 (Goteborg, 1926).
28 Jarlert, ‘Och lär mig sucka innerlig’, p. 59, and further Hjalmar Sundén, Religionen och rollerna. Ett psykologiskt studium av fromheten (Stockholm, 1959), p. 361.
29 ‘Kvinnan i kyrkans rjanst. En interview med D:r Parker’, Idun (1895), pp. 91–3.
30 With the author, duplicated memoirs, ‘Signe Hellbcrgs memoarer’, pp. 37–43.
31 Hellman, Axel, Gället kring Bäveȧn. 800 ȧrs kyrkohistoria (Uddevalla, 1967), pp. 132, 227, 253Google Scholar.
32 Ȧberg, ‘Rcvivalisra, philanthropy and emancipation’, pp. 406–7.
33 ‘Kyrkostamman med Uddevalla och Bäfve’, Bohusläningen, 12 Dec. 1890. On the background to the duplicated main services, see Hellman, Gället, pp. 87–8.
34 Uddevalla, Uddevalla Kyrkoarkiv, Uddevalla och Bäve Kyrkostammoprotokoll 1887–1899 [K Haa:3; hereafter UKA]; ‘Med den nya gudstjänstordningen’, Bohusläningen, 5 March 1892; ‘Klagomȧlen öfver gudstjenstordningen’, ‘Frȧgan om ny kyrkobygnad i Uddevalla’, Bohusläningen, 19 March 1892.
35 UKA, ‘Kyrkostämma med Uddevalla och Bäfve församlingar’, Bohusläns Annonsblad, 17 Feb. 1893; ‘Kyrkostämman’, Bohusläningen, 16 Feb. 1893.
36 UKA, ‘Den ifrȧgasatta nya kyrkan i Uddevalla’, Bohusläningen, 12 Oct. 1893; ‘Kyrkostämman i tisdags med Uddevalla och Bäfve församlingar’, Bohusläns Annonsblad, 13 Oct. 1893. One person could ‘own’ several votes.
37 See Yngve Larsson, Pȧ marsch mot demokratin. Frȧn hundragradig skala till allman rösträtt (1900-1920) (Stockholm, 1967), pp. 116–17, 131–2.
38 [Gustaf Ȧberger,] Schartauanismen i lära och lefverne af en svenska kyrkans vän-BRG. (Stockholm, 1901), pp. 106–8.
39 Alcoff, ‘Cultural feminism’, pp. 434–5.
40 See Christer Winberg, Fabriksfolket. Textilindustrin i Mark och arbetarrörelsens genombrott (Göteborg, 1989), p. 167.
41 Ruth Franzén, ‘Kvinnoperspektiv pȧ kyrkohistorisk forskning’, in Kirkkoja politiikka. Juhlakirja professori Eino Murtorinteen täyttäessä 60 vuotta 25.11.1990 (Helsinki, 1990), p. 125.
42 Banks, Faces of Feminism, p. 26.
43 Aberg, ‘Revivalism, philanthropy and emancipation’, p. 420.