Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 January 2013
The objectives of the study were to analyze the psychometric properties, factor structure and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Thought-Shape Fusion Questionnaire (TSF-Q), as well as to determine its validity by evaluating the relationship of the TSF-Q to different instruments.
Two groups were studied: one comprising 146 patients with a diagnosis of anorexia (n = 82), bulimia (n = 33) or unspecified eating disorder (n = 31), and another group of 115 undergraduates with no history of psychological disorder. All participants completed the TSF-Q, TAF-Q, EDI-2, STAI, BDI and SCL-90-R. Differences in TSF-Q scores between the diagnostic subgroups were also analyzed.
Two factors were obtained which coincided with the two sections indicated by the authors of the questionnaire: conceptual and interpretative. The internal consistency of the TSF-Q and its subscales was determined by means of Cronbach's alpha, with values ranging between .93 and .96. The correlations with other instruments reflected adequate validity. There were no significant differences between the diagnostic subgroups.
The Spanish version of the TSF-Q meets the psychometric requirements for measuring thought-shape fusion and shows adequate internal consistency and validity.
Los objetivos del estudio fueron analizar las características psicométricas del Thougt-Shape Fusion Questionnaire (TSF-Q), su estructura factorial y consistencia interna, así como las relaciones del TSFQ con diferentes instrumentos para determinar su validez.
Se estudiaron 146 pacientes con anorexia (n = 82), bulimia (n = 33) o trastorno de la conducta alimentaria no especificado (n = 31), y un grupo de 115 estudiantes sin antecedentes de interés psicopatológico. Todos completaron el TSF-Q, TAF-Q, EDI-2, STAI, BDI y SCL-90-R. Las diferencias en las puntuaciones del TSF-Q entre los subgrupos diagnósticos fueron también analizadas.
Se obtuvieron dos factores, coincidentes con las dos secciones conceptual e interpretativa señaladas por los autores del cuestionario. La consistencia interna del TSF-Q y de sus subescalas se determinó mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, que osciló entre .93 y .96. Las correlaciones con otros instrumentos reflejaron una adecuada validez. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los subgrupos diagnósticos.
El TSF-Q, en su versión española, cubre los requisitos psicométricos para medir la fusión pensamientoforma y presenta adecuada consistencia interna, así como una adecuada validez.