The authors apologise for two incorrect References in the References list on page 16 of the article.
Nzomo, P. (2019) ‘The role of the university library in supporting international students: a survey of practices across UK universities’, Journal of Library Administration, 59, 7, 812–29.
should be:
Toner, J. (2019) ‘The role of the university library in supporting international students: a survey of practices across UK universities’, Journal of Library Administration, 59, 7, 812–29.
And the in-text citations to (Nzomo, 2019) should be (Toner, 2019). These appear twice on page 9, and once on page 12.
Steinert, H. and Pilgrim, A.(2003) Welfare from Below: Struggles Against Social Exclusion in Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
should be:
Steinert, H. and Pilgram, A. (2003) Welfare Policy from Below: Struggles Against Social Exclusion in Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
And the in-text citation to (Steinert and Pilgrim, 2003) should be (Steinert and Pilgram, 2003). This appears once on page 2.