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The Importance of the Leksikografski Zavod to the Scholar
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017

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- Notes and Comment
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- Copyright © Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 1962
1 I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. Krležca and Dr. Ujević for their patient and helpful assistance and for the time they spent in answering my questions. Dr. Ujevic not only provided detailed oral and written information about the Leksikografski Zavod but also gave me bibliographical help for my own research. I also learned much about the Leksikografski Zavod from various staff members and from Yugoslav colleagues who had already benefited from its services. Dr. Ujević has stated that the Leksikografski Zavod is prepared to furnish bibliographical assistance to any scholar at minimum cost. Reference material that requires only a short time to prepare will be provided without charge.
2 The titles of these ten subject encyclopedias are: (1) Medicinska; (2) Muzička; (3) Likovna; (4) šumaŕska; (5) Poljoprivredna; (6) Tehnička; (7) Enciklopedija pravnih i društvenih nauka; (8) Enciklopedija geografije, historije, folklora i etnologije; (9) Enciklopedija matematike i prirodnih nauka; (10) Enciklopedija književnosti.
3 The twenty-five individual volumes will be organized as follows: (I) Matematika; Prirodne nauke općenito; Fizika; Kemija; Geološko-mineraloška skupina; Astronomija i geofizika; Geografija; Etnologija i etnografija. (II) Lingvistika; Književnost općenito, teorija i povijest književnosti. (III) Književnost općenito, teorija i povijest književnost. (IV–VI) Književnosti Jugoslavenskih naroda. (VII) Književnost ostalih naroda. (VIII) Biologija i medicina; Veterina; Farmacija. (IX-XII) Historijske nauke. (XIII) Opća grupa; Filozofija. (XIV) Religije i crkve. (XV) Prosvjeta, pedagogija i školstvo. (XVI) Sociologija i socijalna politika; Statistika. (XVII) Politička ekonomija i ekonomska politika. (XVIII) Pravo. (XIX) Umjetnost općenito; Likovne umjetnosti; Muzika; Radiofonija; Fotografija. (XX) Kazalište i film. (XXI) Gospodarstvo, šumarstvo; Zaštita bilja. (XXII) Industrija i obrt; Trgovina; Zadrugarstvo; Saobračaj; Pomorstvo i riječno brodarstvo; Turizam i ugostiteljstvo. (XXIII) Rudarstvo; Tehnika; Vojništvo; Sport i igre; Filatelija; Vatrogastvo. (XXIV) Indeks pisaca. (XXV) Predmetni Indeks.
4 Krleža, M., “O nekim problemima enciklopedije,” Republika, No. 2-3, 1953, pp. 1–24 Google Scholar.
5 (5 vols.; Zagreb, 1942-45).
6 The purpose of the work done by the Leksikografski Zavod was discussed by Dr. Ujević in his address before the International Bibliographical Conference held in Warsaw in 1957. The address was published: Mate Ujević, Bibliographie rétrospective des études, des articles et des belles-lettres parus dans la presse périodique yougoslave (Zagreb, 1957), pp. 1-14.
7 These volumes are: Enciklopedija Jugoslavije (4 vols.); Pomorska Enciklopedija (6 vols.); Opća Enciklopedija (5 vols.); Medicinska Enciklopedija (4 vols.); Muzička Enciklopedija (1 vol.); Likovna Enciklopedija (1 vol.); šumarska Enciklopedija (1 vol.); Bibliografija rasprava, članaka i književnih priloga (6 vols.).
8 The processing and organization are described in detail in Priručnik Leksikografskog Zavoda FNRJ (Zagreb, 1952), 110 pp.
9 The publications that were examined but discarded were concerned with such subjects as entertainment, fashion magazines, etc.
10 Some publications from neighboring states (e.g., Austria and Hungary) were also included if the publication treated of South Slav problems or was published and edited by a Yugoslav.
11 Bibliographical information about Yugoslav periodical literature published since 1945 is the responsibility of the Bibliografski Institut, Terazija 26, Belgrade, which is ably directed by Dr. Ivanusić and his assistant Mate Baće. Although the Bibliografski Institut is the agency for all Yugoslavia, each republic also has its own bibliographical center, which concerns itself with periodical publications within that republic.