Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017
1. Ortner's, Sherry B. classic article still holds value: “Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 26, no. 1 (January 1984): 126-66.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
2. Just a few recent discussions: Berkhofer, Richard F. Jr, Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse (Cambridge, Mass., 1995)Google Scholar; Baker, Robert S., “History and Periodization,” Clio 26, no. 2 (Winter 1997): 135-41Google Scholar; Prasenjit Duara, “Why Is History Antitheoretical?“ Modern China24, no. 2 (April 1998): 105–20;James Clifford, “On Ethnographic Authority,” The Predicament of Culture: Tiuentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art (Cambridge, Mass., 1988), 21–54.
3. Topolski, Jerzy, “Periodization and the Creation of the Narrative Wholes,” Sloria delta Storiografiia 37 (2000): 11–16.Google Scholar
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5. Kliuchevskii, V. O., “Kurs russkoi istorii,” in his Sochineniia, 8 vols. (Moscow, 1956-59), 2:198.Google Scholar
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7. Wesling, Donald, “Michel Serres, Bruno Latour, and the Edges of Historical Periods,” Clio 26, no. 2 (Winter 1997): 189–204.Google Scholar
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9. Marc Raeff, Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (New York, 1984), chap. 2; Cracraft, James, The Revolution of Peter the Great (Cambridge, Mass., 2003).Google Scholar