A. The divine-human situation.
God is the only being who, if he exists, must be present at all times and in all places.
2. Therefore, it must at least be possible to detect the presence of God at any time and in any place.
3. However, proof for God's existence lies with each individual, since ‘to prove’ means to be capable of becoming aware of God's presence.
4. Not everyone at every time and place is aware of God's existence. But the divine nature must be such as to be ever-existent. That is, it is both capable of making its presence known and at the same time capable of having its presence unrecognized.
5. God, then, can relate to each intelligent soul in a different way. Thus, he is subject to being described in a variety of ways.
6. The non-uniformity of our experience of God indicates that human beings are capable of sensing God's presence but seldom in a uniform way.
7. The time and place, the intellectual and cultural climate, the vitality or laxity of existing religious modes, all have a large role in determining how many human beings become aware of God's presence and accept that as proof.
8. With regard to proving the ever-presence of God, the initiative and the control have been placed largely in human hands. Given God's presence at all times and at all places, and the great variety of ways we have of sensing and responding, the responsibility for determining God's existence is ours.