In the article by Karaca published in the March 2013 issue of Science in Context, there were errors in the text. The corrections are listed below:
On page 110, the mathematical expression satisfied by the “high energy behavior of the elastic hadron-hadron differential scattering cross section” was printed incorrectly. The correct expression is provided below.

On page 119, footnote 58 was incorrectly printed. It should read as follows:
It is worth pointing out that, as noted in Bjorken 2003, 1–4, the scaling hypothesis was first formulated by Bjorken in an incomplete, unpublished manuscript prior to the DIS experiments; see Bjorken 1967a. See also Bjorken 1967c, which draws on Bjorken 1967a, but is less ambitious in scope.
On page 124, several characters were incorrectly typeset:
“R should diminish like $\frac{1}{v}$” should read “R should diminish like
“for w ≤ 5” should read “for ω ≤ 5”
“i.e., it behaved as $\frac{1}{v}$” should read “i.e., it behaved as
The following references should have been included in the bibliography:
Bjorken, James D. (1968). “Asymptotic sum rules at infinite momentum.” SLAC preprint: SLAC-PUB-510.
McAllister, Robert W., and Robert Hofstadter. 1956. “Elastic Scattering of 188-Mev Electrons from the Proton and the Alpha Particle.” Physical Review 102:851–856.
The references for the following sources should be corrected in the bibliography. The correct references are given below:
Duhem, Pierre M. M. 1954. The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory. Translated from the second French edition (1914) by Philip P. Wiener. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Riordan, Michael et al. 1974. “Extraction of R = σL/σT from Deep Inelastic e-p and e-d Cross Sections.” Physical Review Letters 33:561–564.
We apologize to the author and the readers for these errors.