Monday 15 January I was amazed today on opening The Mail to find that Rothermere has gone Fascist. I hope this doesn't mean trouble, for I shan't truckle to the devil, and I am too much of a democrat to be a Fascist, though too much of a disciplinarian to be a democrat in any but the vague Walt Whitman sense.
Thursday 25 January On the 16th Jan the children were at John Simon's house for a party. I collected them on a dank wet night and J.S. was himself on his doorstep, looking dangerously like his own butler. We exchanged words and I took my bairns home. On the way I said to a sleepy Edward
‘Well, how did you like the Foreign Secretary?’
‘Which was the foreign secretary?’
‘The bald headed gentleman.’
‘Oh, I didn't notice the bald headed gentleman, but I liked Felix
the cat that the conjuror brought.’