I have the honor to enclose a Copy of a Letter, I have just received, from His Highness Prince Metternich, together, with a Copy of the Articles of the Treaty, between Austria and Bavaria, with the Alteration and Amendments of the former Power: Your Lordship will observe, Prince Metternich's own Sentiments as to its Signature; I confess I am sorry that His Highness holds out, and stickles upon, little Points in the winding up of this Negotiation: It is both impolitick and unworthy of the Tone of Transactions which should characterize a great Nation; But there is so much narrowness on small Objects in the whole Austrian Government, that I despair of ever seeing it eradicated during the present reign. Prince Metternich's turn of mind would lead Him to a more liberal System, and to more enlightened Views, but the Circle surrounding the Emperor usurps so much influence in upholding a Stiff, close, littleminded Stile of Action, that Prince Metternich has not Power or Means to resist this Side that overwhelms him.