To the Right Reverend Father Richard Haddocke preiste Doctor of Divinitie
It is evidently seene (Reverend Father) as well in the holy Scriptures, as also in many other bookes written by dyvers learned men in former adges, howe exceedinge hatefull ingratitude hathe bene unto the divine maiestie of god in soe muche as he reiected his owne people, the Jewes for that hai[ ]nous offence, and gave the Greeke churche as a praye unto the Turcke, for that they did ungratefully Seperatt themselves by there Scisme and heresie from the unitie of oure holy mother the Catholicke Churche and therefore if he did cast out his elect people the Jewes, and suffer the Gretians to be over runn by the Turcks, for there ungratefullnes, much more will he extend his iustice againste any particular parson which shalbe founde giltie of that detestable cryme, for the eschewinge of the wch Synn I will (by his gratious assistance) use my beste diligence, and for the better manifestation of my intent therein, I have written this followinge discourse of my travells, and have made choyse to dedicate the same unto your Fatherhoode, one reason movinge me thereunto, was to shewe my thanckfull mynde towards you, for that as an immediat instrument under god of my happines, you did place me in the Englishe Colledge in Rome where I gayned great store of Spirituall treasure, another reason embouldninge me thereunto, was for that I knowe your accustomed affection to be suche towards me, as you will take these my poore endevors in good parte, they beinge intended by me for the good of ye churche of god, Thus hartely wishinge unto yor Fatherhoode all comforts temporall and eternall, I ende Yor thanckfull godsonn, HP