The editors acknowledge with gratitude the guidance of Cressida Williams at Canterbury Cathedral Library and staff at Lambeth Palace Library in London. The work has been much encouraged by Margaret Pawley and by Virginia Johnstone, who typed most of the reports in Rome. It has also been greatly assisted by many conversations with other scholars and thinkers, particularly those who came to discuss Vatican II in its ecumenical context at a colloquium in George Bell House, Chichester Cathedral, in June 2013. The editors take full responsibility for any errors or omissions.
The book has essentially been made possible by a generous research grant from the University of Chichester. We would like to thank staff at the library of the University of Chichester and our colleagues in the Department of History there.
We owe a great debt to Hester Higton for her meticulous copy-editing and for her fundamental contribution to the creation of a credible index. Much is also owed to Alice Petersen for her patient work on the intricacies of the text.
Andrew Chandler and Charlotte Hansen
Chichester, June 2013