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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
1 See RN XVIII (1965), 81-84.
2 A popular study by him on Cola di Rienzo in Věda a život (Prague, 1961, pp. 129- 132), was followed by a more detailed article, ‘Francesco Petrarca a Cola di Rienzo,’ Českoshvenský Časopis Historicý (ČSČH) XI (Prague, 1963), 1-33. Its French version, ‘Petrarque et Cola di Rienzo’ appeared in a yearbook Historica XI (Prague, 1965), 5-51. Dr. Macek's studies then followed in this order: ‘Racines sociales de 1'insurrection de Cola di Rienzo,’ Historica VI (1963), 45-107. ‘La Renaissance italienne (Quelques observations générales),’ Historica IX (1964), 5-51. ‘La jeunesse de Machiavel,’ Historica XII (1966), 45- 70. See also note 9.
3 Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1964.
4 Published by Nakladatelsví České Budějovice, 1966.
5 Spisy Bohuslava Hasištejnského z Lobkovic, 1, Spisy prosaické, ed. Bohumil Ryba (Prague, Czech Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1933).
6 'Základni problematika renesance a humanismu,’ ČSČH VII (1959), 142-164.
7 'Přehled českého bádaní o renesanci a humanismu,’ ČSČH IX. (1961), 265-279.
8 Stát a společnost na úsvitě italské renesance (Prague, 1964), reviewed by Frederick G. Heymann in RQ xx (1967), 231-232.
9 Italská renesance (Prague, Czech Academy, 1965).
10 See Česká literatura III (Prague, 1955), 377-380.
11 Hynek z Poděbrad, Boccacciovské rozprávky, ed. Antonin Grund (Prague,1950).
12 Veršovani skladby Neuberského sborníku, ed. ZdenkaTichá (Prague, 1960).
13 Rehoř Hrubý z Jelenί (Prague, 1964).
14 A short article on him, ‘Památce křesťanského humanisty Z. Gelenia,’ from the pen of Professor F. M. Bartoš, appeared in Křstanská revue (Prague, 1954) XXI, 297-300. A biographical sketch of S. Gelenius by Josef Truhlář, ‘Sigismundus Gelenius, jeho život a působení vědecké,’ Časopis musea království českého (Prague, 1886) LX, though somewhat outdated, can still be read with profit. Sigismund maintained friendly connection with Erasmus of Rotterdam, Philip Melanchthon, Joachim Camerarius, et al.
15 Communio viatorum, published by the Ecumenical Institute, Comenius Theological Faculty, Prague, 1 (1958), 116-123 and 246-257.
16 XX, 365-368.