…sed pro his praeoptare me fateor uno chartario calamo me reficere poemata omnigenus apta uirgae, lyrae, socco, coturno, item satiras ac griphos, item historias uarias rerum nec non orationes laudatas disertis nec non dialogos laudatos philosophis atque haec et alia eiusdem modi tarn Graece quam Latine, gemino uoto, pari studio, simili stilo.
Apuleius Florida 9
…but in place of these I confess that I prefer to employ one single reed to bring to life on papyrus poems of all kinds, ones attuned to the rod, the lyre, the slipper, the buskin, likewise satires and riddles, likewise various accounts of things, and of course speeches that win plaudits from experts, and again dialogues that win plaudits from philosophers—and these and other things of the same kind in both Greek and Latin: double offering, equal application, similar style.
non respondeo tibi, Aemiliane, quem colam βασιλέα; quin si ipse proconsul in-terroget, quid sit deus meus, taceo.
Apuleius Apology 65
I am not telling you, Aemilianus, who I worship as my king; nay, even if the proconsul himself should question me as to what my god is, my lips are sealed.
‘immo uero,’ inquam, ‘impertite sermone non quidem curiosum, sed qui uelim scire uel cuncta, uel certe plurima.’
Apuleius Metamorphoses 1.2