Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 September 2014
For targeted radionuclide therapies, treatment planning usually consists of theadministration of standard activities without accounting for the patient-specific activitydistribution, pharmacokinetics and dosimetry to organs at risk. The OEDIPE software is auser-friendly interface which has an automation level suitable for performing personalizedMonte Carlo 3D dosimetry for diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclide administrations. Meanabsorbed doses to regions of interest (ROIs), isodose curves superimposed on apersonalized anatomical model of the patient and dose-volume histograms can be extractedfrom the absorbed dose 3D distribution. Moreover, to account for the differences inradiosensitivity between tumoral and healthy tissues, additional functionalities have beenimplemented to calculate the 3D distribution of the biologically effective dose (BED),mean BEDs to ROIs, isoBED curves and BED-volume histograms along with the EquivalentUniform Biologically Effective Dose (EUD) to ROIs. Finally, optimization tools areavailable for treatment planning optimization using either the absorbed dose or BEDdistributions. These tools enable one to calculate the maximal injectable activity whichmeets tolerance criteria to organs at risk for a chosen fractionation protocol. This paperdescribes the functionalities available in the latest version of the OEDIPE software toperform personalized Monte Carlo dosimetry and treatment planning optimization in targetedradionuclide therapies.