Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 July 2016
The following list contains the measurements of archaeologic samples made during 1978 and 1979 using carbon-dioxide-filled proportional counters. Most of the samples were dated with counter No. 3 (L3) filled to 1 or 2 atm pressure (Mościcki and Zastawny, 1977). Our counter No. 1 (L1) previously described (Mościcki and Zastawny, 1976) has been remounted and is now operating at 2 atm pressure of carbon dioxide. Samples measured with this counter have date numbers starting with Gd-1000. Parameters of proportional counters are listed in Table 1. Our transistorized electronics is being gradually replaced by more compact integrated-circuit electronics in CAMAC system (Bluszcz and Walanus, 1980). Counts from proportional counter and guard counters are recorded in 5 channels and punched every 100 minutes. Typical measurement of any sample, including background and oxalic acid samples, consists of a series of 20 to 25 partial measurements. Partial results obtained in such series are analyzed on ODRA 1325 computer at the Computing Centre of the Silesian Technical University according to code C14C written in ALGOL (Pazdur and Walanus, 1979). Age calculations are based on contemporary value equal to 0.95 of the activity of NBS oxalic acid standard and on the Libby value for the half-life of radiocarbon. Ages are reported as conventional radiocarbon dates in years before ad 1950. Corrections for isotopic fractionation in nature are made only for some samples with indicated values of δ13C Errors quoted (±1σ) include estimated overall standard deviations of count rates of the unknown sample, contemporary standard, and background (Pazdur and Walanus, 1979).