Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
Quaternary deposits on the Pacific slope of Washington range in age from the earliest known interglaciation, the Alderton, through the Holocene. Pollen stratigraphy of these deposits is represented by 12 major pollen zones and is ostensibly continuous through Zone 8 over more than 47,000 radiocarbon yr. Before this, the stratigraphy is discontinuous and the chronology less certain. Environments over the time span of the deposits are reconstructed by the comparison of fossil and modern pollen assemblages and the use of relevant meteorological data. The Alderton Interglaciation is characterized by forests of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), alder (Alnus), and fir (Abies). During the next younger interglaciation, the Puyallup, forests were mostly of pine, apparently lodgepole (Pinus contorta), except midway in the interval when fir, western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and Douglas fir temporarily replaced much of the pine. Vegetation outside the limits of Salmon Springs ice (>47,00034,000 yr BP) varied chiefly between park tundra and forests of western hemlock, spruce (Picea), and pine. The Salmon Springs nonglacial interval at the type locality records early park tundra followed by forests of pine and of fir. During the Olympia Interglaciation (34,000–28,000 yr BP), pine invaded the Puget Lowland, whereas western hemlock and spruce became manifest on the Olympic Peninsula. Park tundra was widespread during the Fraser Glaciation (28,000–10,000 yr BP) with pine becoming more important from about 15,000 to 10,000 yr BP. Holocene vegetation consisted first of open communities of Douglas fir and alder; later, closed forests succeeded, formed principally of western hemlock on the Olympic Peninsula and of western hemlock and Douglas fir in the Puget Lowland. Over the length of the reconstructed environmental record, climate shifted between cool and humid or relatively warm, semihumid forest types and cold, relatively dry tundra or park tundra types. During times of glaciation, average July temperatures are estimated to have been at least 7°C lower than today. Only during the Alderton Interglaciation and during the Holocene were temperatures higher for protracted periods than at present.