Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 April 2016
When metre wavelength radars were first operated in the 1940s, echoes were obtained which could be attributed to backscatter from ionised trains produced by the ablation of meteroids in the upper atmosphere at altitudes near 100 km. Modern over-the-horizon skywave radars operating in the HF (High Frequency) band employ digital techniques for both radar control and signal processing and are aided by frequency management subsystems for the selection of appropriate frequencies for meteor detection based on real-time monitoring of the HF signal environment.
This paper describes the results of using such a radar for meteor observations. We report the detection of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower and demonstrate that a large increase in the echo rate due to sporadic meteors is obtained as frequencies are reduced below 15 MHz and the underdense echo ceiling rises in altitude. Finally, we present preliminary observations of highly Doppler shifted echoes which travel at meteoric velocities and which we identify as meteor ‘head echoes’.