Transforming the core array in Tucker three-way component analysis to simplicity is an intriguing way of revealing structures in between standard Tucker three-way PCA, where the core array is unconstrained, and CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, where the core array has a generalized diagonal form. For certain classes of arrays, transformations to simplicity, that is, transformations that produce a large number of zeros, can be obtained explicitly by solving sets of linear equations. The present paper extends these results. First, a method is offered to simplifyJ ×J × 2 arrays. Next, it is shown that the transformation that simplifies anI ×J ×K array can be used to also simplify the (complementary) arrays of order (JK −I) ×J ×K, of orderI × (IK −J) ×K and of orderI ×J × (IJ −K). Finally, the question of what constitutes the maximal simplicity for arrays (the maximal number of zero elements) will be considered. It is shown that cases of extreme simplicity, considered in the past, are, in fact, cases of maximal simplicity.