In a recent number of this Journal (June, 1941), Professor Guilford has interestingly called into question the assertion of several authors that Thurstone’s method of analysis (by maximal frequency of zero loadings).
To settle the point, Guilford has submitted to the said analysis a fictitious factor matrix which was expressly devised to contain g. The result was that this factor — in opposition to the assertion mentioned above — did duly make its appearance. Thereupon he fairly enough proceeds to conclude that:
Not so acceptable, however, is his wide generalization that:
The italics in the present article are the writer's.
Spearman, C. Thurstone's Work “Reworked.” J. educ. Psychol., 1939, 30, 1-16.
* Wright, Ruth E. A factor analysis of the original Stanford-Binet scale. Psychometrika, 1939, 4, 209-220.