Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Crane, Catherine
Williams, J. Mark. G.
Hawton, Keith
Arensman, Ella
Hjelmeland, Heidi
Bille‐Brahe, Unni
Corcoran, Paul
De Leo, Diego
Fekete, Sandor
Grad, Onja
Haring, Christian
Kerkhof, Ad J.F.M.
Lonnqvist, Jouko
Michel, Konrad
Renberg, Ellinor Salander
Schmidtke, Armin
van Heeringen, Cornelius
Wasserman, Danuta
The Association between Life Events and Suicide Intent in Self‐Poisoners with and without a History of Deliberate Self‐Harm: A Preliminary Study.
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior,
Vol. 37,
Issue. 4,