Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 May 2010
page 213 note * The spot on which the discovery of the urn took place is within the area of the circle numbered 5 in the plan of the group lately published by the Society (Archseologia, Vol. XXXVII. Pl. viii.), and is there indicated by the letter a. Hence it appears probable that this circle, like No. 6, has been appropriated to the purpose of an ancient British cemetery.
page 214 note * These excavations are indicated on the plan which I have forwarded to the Society, and which will show at a glance the uniformity observed in the direction of the graves, and their close proximity to each other, in both of which respects they form a striking contrast to the interments disclosed by the researches of the Brighthampton Cemetery.
page 216 note * Archæologia, Vol. XXXVII. Pl. ix.
page 216 note * Archæologia, Vol. XXXVII.