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Thursday, 6th February, 1908
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 May 2010

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- Copyright © The Society of Antiquaries of London 1909
page 63 note * Bury's Gibbon, iv. 538.
page 64 note * Aspelin, Antiquités du Nord finno-ougrien, figs. 642, 646–7.
page 64 note † Pierre Paris, Essai sur l'art et l'industrie de l'Espagne primitive, ii. 270, figs. 402–8 ; L'Anthropologie, 1905, p. 35.
page 64 note ‡ Dr. Arthur Evans reminds me of the origin of these “ horses,” and the subject has been treated by Reinach, M. Salomon in Revue; Archélogigue, xxxviii. (1901), 35.Google Scholar
page 64 note § Les Arts industriels des peuples barbares de la Gaule, Album, pl. 50.
page 65 note * Le mobilier funéraire gallo-romain et franc, pl. 46, fig. 4.
page 65 note † Nordische Altertumskunde, ii. 209, fig. 125.
page 65 note ‡ See, for example, Maskell's Russian Art (S. Kensington Museum Handbook), p. 46, pl. ii.
page 65 note § Cf. Castel Trosino, Monumenti Antichi, xii. 299, 303, pl. xiv. fig. 12.
page 66 note * Proceedings, xix. 210.
page 66 note † Archaeologia, lvi. 39.
page 67 note * A small bronze howl in the British Museum found in the Thames without handle or escutcheons has on the ontside in its hollow base clear marks of a cross with spreading arms, that has been evidently applied to it, but is now missing.
page 67 note † Victoria History of Norfolk, i. 342, fig. 7 on coloured plate.
page 67 note ‡ Plan and section of the grave in V. C. H. Staffs, i. 209.
page 68 note * Victoria History of Derbyshire, i. 271, and fig. on coloured plate; see pp. 271, 269, for Over Haddon and Benty Grange.
page 68 note † Victoria History of Warwickshire, i. 258, figs. 8, 9 on coloured plate.
page 69 note * V. C. H. Kent, i. 371, fig. 8 on plate opposite 352.
page 69 note † Reliquary and Illustrated Archœologist, vi. (1900), 243.Google Scholar
page 69 note ‡ The vessels collapsed soon after the artist had drawn them, and the hooks may have been bent back from the lip accidentally.
page 70 note * Proceedings, 2nd S. ii. 202 ; V. C. H. Kent, i. 379 (fig.).
page 70 note † Reliquary, 1906, 60.
page 70 note ‡ Facsimiles of Miniatures, one enlarged in Reliquary, 1906, 63.
page 70 note § Th. Petersen, A Celtic Reliquary found in a Norwegian Burial-mound [at Melhus, Namdalen]. Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter, 1907, No. 8.
page 71 note * Archœological Journal, xviii. 76 ; V. C, H. Leicestershire, i. 239.
page 71 note † V. C. S. Bucks, i. 195.
page 71 note ‡ A cast of an enamelled disc found on the site of Eynsham Abbey, Oxon., is in the Ashmolean Museum.
page 74 note * Supra, p. 63, fig. 10 on plate.
page 74 note † Arch. Aeliana, N.S. iv. (1859), 251.
page 75 note * The more complicated pattern engraved on the Basingstoke specimen was inside the bowl.
page 77 note * V. C. H. Kent, i, 379.
page 78 note * Wood-Martin, Col., Ulster Journal of Archœology, ix. (1903), 165.Google Scholar
page 79 note * Inventorium Sepikchrale, pl. xvi. fig. 8A.
page 80 note * Archaeologia, 1. 395.
page 82 note * V. C. H. Leicestershire, i. 236, pl. i. fig. 2.
page 82 note † Arehœological Journal, xv. 287.
page 83 note * Figured in Allen's Celtic Art, p. 169.
page 84 note * Arohiv für Anthropologie, xx. 8 ; the date given is 800–850 A D.
page 84 note † Rygh, Norske Oldsager, fig. 726 ; Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires du Nord, 1890–5, pp. 36, 37, and p. 4, fig 5 ; coloured plates i. ii.
page 84 note ‡ Figured in colours in Waring and Franks' Vitreons Art, pl. vi. fig. 4.
page 84 note § Zeitschrift für Christliche Kunst, ix. Jahrgang (1896), Heft 12, 364–5; Archœological Journal, xiv. 174 ; Smith and Cheetham, Diet. Christ. Antiqs. s.v. Gabatha, where one is figured.
page 85 note * Edw. Dillon, Glass, pl. xi. fig. i. p. 101.
page 85 note † Grempler, Der Fund von Sackrau, pl. iv.
page 87 note * On this point compare George Coffey, “ Irish Copper Halberds,” in Proc. R Irish Acad, xxvii. § c, No. 2, p. 94.
page 88 note * Evans, Bronze Impl., pp. 377, 386, 96.
page 88 note † Comptes-Rendus du Congrès International …. préhistorique, xiie Session, Paris, 1900.
page 88 note ‡ Resembling Evans, Bronze Implements, fig. 382.