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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
At the instigation of the late Professor D. J. Cunningham, and at first working upon his material, the present writer has reinvestigated the problems of giantism and acromegaly.
In the course of the work a group of facts persistently presented themselves which appeared to indicate the existence of a definite antagonism between growth and sexual activity. Side by side with these, and in apparent contradiction of them, was the undoubted fact that the state of pregnancy does not in the young female impede growth, but, on the contrary, favours it. These are not new discoveries. The fact that sexual activity is inimical to growth has not infrequently been demonstrated, more especially by Pirsche (1), Launois and Roy (2) Poncet (3), and Lortet (4). Indeed Pirsche, in the Thèse de Lyon, “De l'lnfluence de la Castration sur le DéVeloppement du Squelette,” 1902, might almost be said to have established beyond reach of question the fact that castration in youth is followed by abnormal growth of the long bones.