Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
§ 11. The present communication is substituted for another bearing the same title, which was read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh on January 7th, 1887, because the result of that paper was rendered imperfect and unsatisfactory by omission of the exponential factor referred to in § 10 of my paper of February 1st, 1904. I shall refer henceforth to the last-mentioned paper as §1 …. 10 above.
note * page 311 The substitution of , for , saves considerable labour and use of logarithms; especially when, as in our calculations, z = 1.
note * page 325 Nature, vol. xvi., 1877, pp. 343–4.Google Scholar
note † page 325 Smith's Prize Paper, Camb. Univ. Calendar, 1876.Google Scholar
note ‡ page 325 Sound, ed. 1, vol. i., 1877, pp. 246–7.Google Scholar