Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
The X-ray examination of d-mannitol and d-mannose gives the following results:—
d-Mannitol.—Unit cell, a = 8·66 A.U., b = 16·58 A.U., c = 5·501 A.U.; Space-group, Q4; Calculated density, 1·522 grms. per c.c.; Number of molecules per unit cell, 4.
The X-ray data show that the greatest length of the molecule corresponds to the a axis, and that the molecules have a long chain configuration.
d-Mannose.—Unit cell, a = 5·53 A.U., b = 17·66 A.U., c = 7·59 A.U.; Space-group, Q4; Calculated density, 1·602 grms. per c.c; Number of molecules per unit cell, 4.
The X-ray results show that a manno-pyranose ring structure is probable in the d-mannose molecule, and that the molecule has its greatest length along the c axis.