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Theorem regarding the Orthogonal Transformation of a Quadric
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
The theorem in question arises out of a consideration ol several passages in Jacobi's important memoir of 1833 or orthogonal transformation. Having determined the substitutior which simultaneously changes
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- Copyright © Royal Society of Edinburgh 1906
note * page 68 Jacobi, C. G. J., De binis qnibuslibet functionibus homogeueis secunc ordinis per substitutiones lineares in alias binas transformandis …. Crelle's Journ., xii. pp. 1–69. (Aug. 1833.)Google Scholar
note * page 169 Traiu. R. S. Edinb., xxxii. p. 480.
note * page 171 Jacobi's enunciation of this is “I n relationibus omnibus, quae inter variabiles x 1, x 2, …, x n, et variabiles y 1, y 2, …, y n locum habent, simul loco y m poni posse , atque loco x λ

where the b's correspond to the modern A's, and the sign of equality is used for ‘or.'