At the last meeting of the Society I stated that I had just procured a remarkable essay by Listing, part of which bears on the subject of knots, and that I had found in it an example of a change of form not producible by the modes of deformation I had employed.
It had for some time struck me as very singular that, thoug I could easily prove that (when nugatory intersections are removed) a knot in which the crossings are alternately over and under is not farther reducible, I could not prove all its possible deformations to be producible by inversions or projections of the kinds specified in my paper; but, as soon as I recognised the existence of amphicheiral forms, I saw that it was probable that they would furnish a key to my difficulty. I immediately set to work to classify the simpler of such forms; and while I was thus engaged I got the Göttinger Studien for 1847, in which is Listing's paper, with the title Vorstudien zur Topologie.
page 310 note * (Added Feb. 7.)—I have just found symbols for which this is not the case. The following single instance is sufficient, for the present, to show that the type-symbol is not always equivalent to the scheme. The symbol
may represent either a continuous curve with 7 intersections, or a complex system consisting of a circle intersected at six points by a skewed figure of 8. I shall discuss the subject fully in a paper “On Links,” which I have in preparation.