1. Introduction and main results
1.1 Backgrounds and motivations
Let $\mathbb {D}=\{z\in \mathbb {C} :|z|<1\}$ be the unit disk of the complex plane $\mathbb {C}$
. Let $H(\mathbb {D})$
be the space of holomorphic functions on $\mathbb {D}$
and let $\varphi$
be a holomorphic function on $\mathbb {D}$
with $\varphi (\mathbb {D})\subset \mathbb {D}$
. For $f\in H(\mathbb {D})$
, the composition operator $C_{\varphi }$
is a linear operator defined by $C_{\varphi }(f)=f\circ \varphi$
Recall that a positive $T$ on a separable Hilbert space $H$
is in the trace class if

for some (or all) orthonormal basis $\{e_n\}$ of $H$
. For any $0< p<\infty$
, the Schatten $p$
-class $\mathcal {S}_p(H)$
of $H$
consists of bounded linear operators $T:H\to H$
such that $(T^\ast T)^{p/2}$
belongs to the trace class. In particular, $\mathcal {S}_1(H)$
is the trace class of $H$
, and $\mathcal {S}_2(H)$
is called the Hilbert–Schmidt class. It is easy to check that $T\in \mathcal {S}_p(H)$
if and only if $T^*\in \mathcal {S}_p(H)$
. For more details about Schatten $p$
-class operators, we refer the readers to Zhu [Reference Zhu16].
The Hardy space $H^2$ is a Hilbert space of analytic functions $f$
on $\mathbb {D}$
such that

For $\alpha >-1$, the weighted Bergman space $A_\alpha ^2$
consists of holomorphic functions $f$
on $\mathbb {D}$

where $\mathrm {d} A_\alpha (z)=(\alpha +1)(1-|z|^2)^\alpha \mathrm {d} A(z)$ and $\mathrm {d} A(z)$
is the normalized area measure on $\mathbb {D}$
. When $\alpha =0$
, the space $A_0^2$
is usually denoted by $A^2$
. Properties of composition operator on $A_\alpha ^2$
and $H^2$
has been widely investigated for decades, see e.g. [Reference Cowen and MacCluer3, Reference Shapiro8, Reference Zhu16]. In particular, conditions for $C_{\varphi }$
that belong to $\mathcal {S}_p(A_\alpha ^2)$
and $\mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$
are also characterized, see [Reference Benazzouz, El-Fallah, Kellay and Mahzouli1, Reference Bendaoud, Korrichi, Merghni and Yagoub2, Reference Luecking4–Reference Pau and Pérez7, Reference Wirths and Xiao9, Reference Xia10, Reference Yuan and Zhou12, Reference Zhu14].
It is well known (see e.g. Zhu [Reference Zhu15]) that $H^2$ can be viewed as the limit case of $A^2_{\alpha }$
as $\alpha \to -1^+$
in some sense. It is also known that for $0< p<\infty$
, $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$
if and only if


is the Möbius invariant measure on $\mathbb {D}$, and

is the Nevanlinna counting function of $\varphi$. Similarly, $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(A_\alpha ^2)$
if and only if

where $N_{\varphi,\alpha +2}(z)$ is a generalized Nevanlinna counting function of $\varphi$
given by

See Luecking-Zhu [Reference Luecking and Zhu5].
1.2 Main results
A holomorphic map $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$ is of bounded valence if there is a positive integer $N$
such that for each $z\in \mathbb {D}$
, the set $\varphi ^{-1}(z)$
contains at most $N$
points. Zhu [Reference Zhu14] shows that if $\alpha >-1$
, $2\le p<\infty$
and $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is an analytic function of bounded valence, then $C_{\varphi }$
is in the Schatten class $\mathcal {S}_p$
of $A_\alpha ^2$
if and only if

Meanwhile, Zhu [Reference Zhu16, Exercise 11.6.7] says that if $p>2$ and $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$
, then

These observations hint us to give the following result.
Theorem 1.1 If $2< p<\infty,$ $\varphi$
has bounded valence and

then $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$.
For $p>2$, Xia [Reference Xia10] constructs a holomorphic map $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
such that

and such that $C_{\varphi }: A^2\to A^2$ does not belong to the Schatten class $\mathcal {S}_p(A^2)$
. Motivated by Xia [Reference Xia10], we prove the following theorem:
Theorem 1.2 For any $2< p<\infty,$ there exists a holomorphic function $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
such that

but $C_{\varphi }:H^2\to H^2$ does not belong to the Schatten class $\mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$
The proof of theorem 1.1 is based on Wirths-Xiao [Reference Wirths and Xiao9] and Zhu [Reference Zhu14]. The proof of theorem 1.2 is modified from Xia [Reference Xia10]. Although the idea of the proof of theorem 1.2 is coming from [Reference Xia10], there are several technical barriers we need to overcome. Thus, we need to adapt Xia's construction for our situation.
Notation. Throughout this paper, we only write $U\lesssim V$ (or $V\gtrsim U$
) for $U\le c V$
for a positive constant $c$
, and moreover $U\approx V$
for both $U\lesssim V$
and $V\lesssim U$
2. Preliminaries
For $\alpha >-1$, the Dirichlet-type space is a space of holomorphic functions $f$
on $\mathbb {D}$
for which

It is easy to check that $A_\alpha ^2=\mathcal {D}_{\alpha +2}$ and $H^2=\mathcal {D}_1$
with equivalent norms.
The following lemma is contained in [Reference Wirths and Xiao9, Theorem 3.2].
Lemma 2.1 Let $\alpha >-1$ and $0< p<\infty$
. Suppose $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is holomorphic. Then $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(\mathcal {D}_\alpha )$
if and only if

for some (any) $\varepsilon >\max \{1/(2+\alpha ),\, 2/(2p+p\alpha )\}$.
For fixed $\alpha >0$, $f,\,g\in \mathcal {D}_\alpha$


Then the reproducing kernel of $\mathcal {D}_\alpha$ associated with the inner product $\langle \cdot,\,\cdot \rangle _{\mathcal {D}_\alpha }$
is given by

This means that for each $f\in \mathcal {D}_\alpha$,

Meanwhile, if we write






The following lemma comes from [Reference Yang and Liu11, Lemma 10].
Lemma 2.2 Suppose $\alpha >0$ and $T: \mathcal {D}_\alpha \to \mathcal {D}_\alpha$
is a positive operator. Let

(1) Let $0< p\le 1$
. If $\,\widehat { T}^{ \alpha,t}\in L^p (\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d} \lambda ),$
then $T$
is in $\mathcal {S}_p(\mathcal {D}_\alpha )$
(2) Let $1\le p<\infty$
. If $\, T$
is in $\mathcal {S}_p(\mathcal {D}_\alpha ),$
then $\widehat { T}^{ \alpha,t}\in L^p (\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d} \lambda )$
Immediately, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2.3 Suppose $\alpha >0$ and $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is a holomorphic function.
(1) If $0< p\le 2$
(2.4)\begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{D}} \left(\frac{(1-|z|^2)^{\alpha+2}|\varphi '(z)|^2}{(1-|\varphi(z)|^2)^{\alpha+2}} \right)^{p/2}\mathrm{d} \lambda(z)<\infty, \end{equation}then $C_{\varphi }$is in $\mathcal {S}_p$
of $\,\mathcal {D}_\alpha$
(2) If $2\le p<\infty$
and $C_{\varphi }$
is in $\mathcal {S}_p$
of $\,\mathcal {D}_\alpha,$
then (2.4) holds.
Proof. Write $S=C_{\varphi }C_{\varphi }^\ast$, then $S:\mathcal {D}_\alpha \to \mathcal {D}_\alpha$
is a positive operator. We have

For each $f\in \mathcal {D}_\alpha$, (2.2) implies that


Then (2.3) implies that

This gives that

An application of lemma 2.2 gives the desired assertions.
By letting $p=2$ in theorem 2.3, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 2.4 Suppose $\alpha >0$ and $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is a holomorphic function. Then $C_{\varphi }$
is in the Hilbert–Schmidt class of $\mathcal {D}_\alpha$
if and only if

There are several well-known characterizations of the Hilbert–Schmidt compositions on $H^2$ and $A_\alpha ^2$
, see e.g. [Reference Cowen and MacCluer3, Reference Yuan and Zhou13, Reference Zhu16]. Combine these characterizations with corollary 2.4, we have the following corollaries.
Corollary 2.5 Suppose $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$ is holomorphic. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(1) $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_2(H^2)$
(2) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{\mathbb{D}} \frac{(1-|z|^2) |\varphi '(z)|^2}{(1-|\varphi(z)|^2)^{3}} \, \mathrm{d} A(z)<\infty. \](3) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{\mathbb{D}} \frac{N_\varphi(z)}{\log\frac1{|z|}} \, \mathrm{d} \lambda(z)<\infty. \](4) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{0}^{2\pi} \frac{\mathrm{d}\theta }{(1-|\varphi(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i}\theta})|^2) } <\infty. \]
Corollary 2.6 Suppose $\alpha >-1$ and $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is holomorphic. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(1) $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_2(A^2_\alpha )$
(2) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{\mathbb{D}} \frac{(1-|z|^2)^{\alpha+2} |\varphi '(z)|^2}{(1-|\varphi(z)|^2)^{\alpha+4}} \, \mathrm{d} A(z)<\infty. \](3) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{\mathbb{D}} \frac{N_{\varphi,\alpha+2}(z)}{(\log\frac1{|z|})^{\alpha+2}} \, \mathrm{d} \lambda(z)<\infty. \](4) The following inequality holds:
\[ \int_{\mathbb{D}} \frac{(1-|z|^2)^{\alpha }}{(1-|\varphi(z)|^2)^{2+\alpha} }\,\mathrm{d} A(z) <\infty. \]
3. Proof of theorem 1.1
Theorem 1.1 is just the case $\alpha =1$ of the following proposition.
Proposition 3.1 Suppose $\alpha >0,$ $2\le p<\infty$
and $p\alpha >2$
. Let $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$
is a holomorphic function which has bounded valence and

then $C_{\varphi }$ is in the Schatten class $\mathcal {S}_p$
of $\,\mathcal {D}_\alpha$
The condition $p\alpha > 2$ in the above proposition is necessary. Indeed, if $0 < p\alpha \le 2$
, then the involved integral is trivially divergent.
Proof. When $p=2$, the condition $p\alpha >2$
implies that $\alpha >1$
. Notice that in this case $\mathcal {D}_\alpha =A_{\alpha -2}^2$
. According to [Reference Zhu14], the condition (3.1) implies that $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(A_{\alpha -2}^2)$
Now we suppose $2< p<\infty$. According to lemma 2.1, if we can check the inequality (2.1) for some $\varepsilon >\max \{1/(2+\alpha ),\, 2/(2p+p\alpha )\}$
, then we have $C_{\varphi }\in \mathcal {S}_p(\mathcal {D}_\alpha )$
. Write $q=p/2$
, then $q>1$
. Let

Then it is sufficient to check that $F\in L^q(\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d} \lambda )$.



Recall that $\varphi :\mathbb {D}\to \mathbb {D}$ is holomorphic. Schwarz's lemma implies that

Then, for each $\varepsilon >1/(2+\alpha )$, Forelli–Rudin's estimate implies that

Meanwhile, recall that $\varphi$ is of bounded valence. Let $n_\varphi (z)$
be the number of points in $\varphi ^{-1}(z)$
. Then,


Put (3.3) and (3.4) together. Application of Schur's test tells us that the integral operator with kernel $H(w,\,z)$ is bounded on $L^q(\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d}\lambda )$
. Recall that condition (3.1) implies that $h\in L^q(\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d} \lambda )$
. This gives that $F\in L^q(\mathbb {D},\,\mathrm {d} \lambda )$
as desired.
4. Proof of theorem 1.2
4.1 Construction of $\varphi$
The construction is modified from Xia [Reference Xia10]. We adapt some parameters for our argument. For $n=1,\,2,\,\dots$, let

That is, $S_n$ is the middle third of $T_n$
. Let $t_n= ( 4/3) 2^{-(n+1)}$
be the left end-point of $S_n$
For fixed $p\in (2,\,\infty )$, let $\varepsilon$
be a fixed rational number such that

We can choose a strictly increasing sequence $k(1)<\dots < k(n)<\dots$ of positive integers such that

for all $n$ and such that every $\varepsilon k(n)$
is an integer.
For integers $n\ge 1$ and $1\le j\le 2^{ \varepsilon k(n)}$
, recall that $t_n$
is the left end-point of $S_n$
. Define the intervals


It is easy to check that $I_{n,j}$ is the left half of $J_{n,j}$
, $J_{n,j}$
's are pairwise disjoint,

and the length of the interval $I_{n,j}$ is denoted by $\rho _n$
, that is

We now define a measurable function $u$ on the unit circle $\mathbb {T}=\{w\in \mathbb {C}:|w|=1\}$
as follows:

The harmonic extension of $u$ to $\mathbb {D}$
is also denoted by $u$
. Let


for all $z\in \mathbb {D}$. Then, $\mathrm {Re} (h(z))=u(z)>0$
for each $z\in \mathbb {D}$
, and thus,

This implies $\varphi (\mathbb {D})\subset \mathbb {D}$. We will need the fact that $\varphi \in H^2$

4.2 Estimates
For $z\in \mathbb {D}$ and $\mathrm {e}^{\mathrm {i} t}\in \mathbb {T}$
, let

be the Poisson kernel. It is shown in [Reference Xia10, p. 2508] that if $1/2\le r<1$ and $|\theta -t|\le 5$
, then there exist constants $0<\alpha <\beta <\infty$
such that

We have the following lemma modified from [Reference Xia10, Lemma 4].
Lemma 4.1 For any positive integer $n$ and $1\le j\le 2^{ \varepsilon k(n)}$
, let $G_{n,j}$
be the Carleson box based on $I_{n,j}$
, i.e.

Then there is a constant $C_1$ independent of $n,\,j$
such that

Proof. Given such a pair of $n,\,j$, we write



for $1\le \nu \le k(n)$.
It is shown in [Reference Xia10, p. 2509] that there is a constant $0< c<1$ independent of $n,\,j$
such that

if $z\in G_{n,j}^\nu$ and $0\le \nu \le k(n)$
. Let $\delta =\inf _{0< x\le 1}x^{-1}(1-\mathrm {e}^{-x})$
. Then,

This implies that

Notice that $p/2-2>-1$. Straightforward computation shows that

for some $C_2>0$, and

for some $C_3>0$. Put (4.8), (4.9) and (4.10) together, we have

Recall the inequality (4.1), we get the desired inequality (4.6) by letting

The following lemma is quoted from [Reference Xia10, Lemma 7].
Lemma 4.2 There is a $C_4>0$ such that

where $G_{n,j}$ is defined by (4.5).
4.3 Proof of theorem 1.2
Let $\varphi$ be the holomorphic self-map of $\mathbb {D}$
given by (4.2). It is sufficient to check the inequality (1.2) for this $\varphi$
, and $C_{\varphi }\notin \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$

where $G_{n,j}$ is given by (4.5). For $z\in \mathbb {D}\setminus G$
, lemma 4.2 implies that

Since $p/2-2>-1$, we have

Meanwhile, lemma 4.1 implies that

where the last inequality is following from the fact that $p/2-1>0$. Now (1.2) follows from (4.11) and (4.12) easily.
It remains to check that $C_{\varphi }\notin \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$, or equivalently, $\mathrm {tr}((C_{\varphi }^\ast C_{\varphi })^{\frac p2})=\infty$
. Let $e_\ell (z)=z^\ell$
, $\ell =0,\,1,\,2,\,\dots$
. It is well known that $\{e_\ell :\ell \ge 0\}$
is an orthonormal basis for $H^2$
. Since $p/2>1$
, we have




for almost every $\theta \in I_n$. Thus,

Notice that

if $s\ge 1$ and $a_n\ge 0$
. We get

This gives that


We have


This implies that $C_{\varphi }\notin \mathcal {S}_p(H^2)$ and the proof is complete.
This work is supported by Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2022A1515010358).