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page 221 note 1 Troja und Ilion, 1902, p. 31Google Scholar.
page 221 note 2 Bronzezeitliche und Früheisenzeitliche Chronologie, Stockholm, 1930–1935, V vols.,see especially vol. III, 154 ff.Google Scholar
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page 221 note 4 Professor Wace has been kind enough to check this table.
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page 223 note 1 P.R.I.A., XXVII, 1908–1909, 94Google Scholar. Coffey, it may be noted, dealt only with the material at Dublin, since increased from 49 to 71 specimens, whereas ÓRíordáin includes specimens from all museums and lists no less than 143.
page 223 note 2 P.Z., I, 1909, 115.
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