The excavations which, with the flint implements and other relics discovered, it is the purpose of this paper to describe, commenced towards the end of February, 1919, and continued until July, 1920. The money to pay for the wages of the excavator, Baxter, was most generously supplied by the Trustees of the Percy Sladen Memorial Fund, and I wish to record my thanks for their invaluable help.
I have to acknowledge also, with gratitude the assistance given me in my researches by Sir Ray Lankester, K.C.B., F.R.S., Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S., Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., Professor J. E. Marr, F.R.S., Dr. Smith Woodard, F.R.S., Dr. Charles Andrews, F.R.S., Mr. Reginald Smith, and the owners of the various properties upon which the diggings were conducted.
The drawings which illustrate this paper are reproduced from work executed by Mr. E. T. Lingwood, to whom the science of prehistoric archæology is greatly indebted for his continued and invaluable help in the matter of illustrations.