Let $F: {\Bbb C}^n \to {\Bbb C}^n$ be a holomorphic map,
$F^k$ be the $k$th iterate of $F$, and $p \in {\Bbb C}^n$
be a periodic point of $F$ of period $k$. That is,
$F^k(p) = p$, but for any positive integer $j$ with
$j < k$, $F^j(p) \ne p$. If $p$ is hyperbolic, namely
if $DF^k(p)$ has no eigenvalue of modulus $1$, then it is
well known that the dynamical behaviour of $F$ is stable
near the periodic orbit $\Gamma = \{p, F(p),\ldots, F^{k-1}(p)\}$.
But if $\Gamma$ is not hyperbolic, the dynamical behaviour
of $F$ near $\Gamma$ may be very complicated and unstable.
In this case, a very interesting bifurcational phenomenon may
occur even though $\Gamma$ may be the only periodic orbit in some
neighbourhood of $\Gamma$: for given $M \in {\Bbb N}\setminus \{1\}$,
there may exist a $C^r$-arc $\{F_t: t\in [0,1]\}$
(where $r \in {\Bbb N}$ or $r = \infty$)
in the space ${\Bbb H}({\Bbb C}^n)$
of holomorphic maps from ${\Bbb C}^n$ into ${\Bbb C}^n$,
such that $F_0 =F$ and, for $t \in (0,1]$, $F_t$ has an
$Mk$-periodic orbit $\Gamma_t$ with $d(\Gamma_t, \Gamma) =
\sup_{p \in \Gamma_t}\inf_{q \in \Gamma} \|p - q\| \to 0$
as $t \to 0$. The period thus increases by a factor
$M$ under a $C^r$-small perturbation! If such an $F_t$ does exist,
then $\Gamma$, as well as $p$, is said to be {\em $M$-tupling
bifurcational.} This definition is independent of~$r$.
For the above $F$, there may exist a $C^r$-arc $F^*_t$ in
${\Bbb H}({\Bbb C}^n)$, with $t \in [0,1]$, such that
$F^*_0 = F$ and, for $t \in (0,1]$, $F^*_t$ has two distinct
$k$-periodic orbits $\Gamma_{t,1}$ and $\Gamma_{t,2}$ with
$d(\Gamma_{t,i}, \Gamma) \to 0$ as $t \to 0$ for $i = 1,2$.
If such an $F^*_t$ does exist, then $\Gamma$, as well as $p$,
is said to be {\em $1$-tupling bifurcational.}
In recent decades, there have been many papers and
remarkable results which deal with period doubling
bifurcations of periodic orbits of parametrized maps.
L. Block and D. Hart pointed out that period $M$-tupling
bifurcations cannot occur for $M > 2$ in the 1-dimensional
case. There are examples showing that for any $M\in
{\Bbb N}$, period $M$-tupling bifurcations can occur
in higher-dimensional cases.
An $M$-tupling bifurcational periodic orbit as defined here
acts as a critical orbit which leads to period $M$-tupling
bifurcations in some parametrized maps. The main result
of this paper is the following.
{\sc Theorem.} {\em Let $k \in {\Bbb N}$ and $M \in {\Bbb N}$,
and let $F: {\Bbb C}^2 \to {\Bbb C}^2$ be a holomorphic map
with $k$-periodic point $p$. Then $p$ is $M$-tupling
bifurcational if and only if $DF^k(p)$ has a non-zero
periodic point of period $M$.}
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 32H50, 58F14.