Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009
In the Theory of Potential the term Green's Function, used in a slightly different sense by Maxwell, now denotes a function associated with a closed surface S, with the following properties:—
(i) In the interior of S, it satisfies ∇2V = 0.
(ii) At the boundary of S, it vanishes.
(iii) In the interior of S, it is finite and continuous, as also its first and second derivatives, except at the point (x1, y1,z1).
page 71 note * Cf. Kneser, Die Integralgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen in der Mathematischen Physik (Braunschweig, 1911).
We shall refer to Kneser's book ia the following pages as Kneser, Inttgralgleichungen.
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Stekloff, Théorie générale des fonctions fondamentales, Ann. de la Fac. des Sc. de Toulouse (2), T. 6, p. 351, 1904.
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page 74 note * Kneser, , Die Theone der Integralgleichungen und die Darstellung willkiirlicher Funktionen in der mathematischen Physik, Math. Ann. Bd. 63, p. 486, 1907. Also Integralgleichungen, §41.Google Scholar
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page 74 note ‡ Dougall, , The Determination of Green's Functions by means of Cylindrical and Spherical Harmonics, Proc. Edin. Math. Soc, Vol. XVIII., p. 33, 1900.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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page 75 note † An usual
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page 77 note * Cf Fourier's Series, p. 315.
page 77 note † In comparing Dougall's results with those given in this paper, it has to be remembered that his Green's Functions are infinite as
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page 85 note * Cf.Macdonald, , Demonstration of Green's Formula for Electric Density near the Vertex of a Right Cone, Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc, Vol. XVIII., p. 293, 1900. The Green's Function for θ′ = 0 is found in that paper.Google Scholar