Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 May 2004
It is known that, for generic $q$, the $\mathcal{H}$-invariant prime ideals in $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$ are generated by quantum minors (see S. Launois, Les idéaux premiers invariants de $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$, J. Alg., in press). In this paper, $m$ and $p$ being given, we construct an algorithm which computes a generating set of quantum minors for each $\mathcal{H}$-invariant prime ideal in $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$. We also describe, in the general case, an explicit generating set of quantum minors for some particular $\mathcal{H}$-invariant prime ideals in $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$. In particular, if $(Y_{i,\alpha})_{(i,\alpha)\in[[1,m]]\times[[1,p]]}$ denotes the matrix of the canonical generators of $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$, we prove that, if $u\geq3$, the ideal in $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$ generated by $Y_{1,p}$ and the $u\times u$ quantum minors is prime. This result allows Lenagan and Rigal to show that the quantum determinantal factor rings of $O_{q}(\mathcal{M}_{m,p}(\mathbb{C}))$ are maximal orders (see T. H. Lenagan and L. Rigal, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.46 (2003), 513–529).
AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 16P40. Secondary 16W35; 20G42