Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009
Let R = ⊕n∈zRn be a ℤ-graded commutative Noetherian ring and let M be a ℤ-graded R-module. S. Goto and K. Watanabe introduced the graded Cousin complex *C(M)* for M, a complex of graded R-modules. Also one can ignore the grading on M and construct the Cousin complex C(M)* for M, discussed in earlier papers by the second author. The main results in this paper are that *C(M)* can be considered as a subcomplex of C(M)* and that the resulting quotient complex is always exact. This sheds new light on the known facts that, when M is non-zero and finitely generated, C(M)* is exact if and only if *C(M)* is (and this is the case precisely when M is Cohen-Macaulay).