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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 This statement has been delivered in an unofficial capacity and expresses the personal views of the author.
2 See Space Law, A Symposium prepared at the Eequest of Hon. Lyndon B. Johnson, Chairman, Special Committee on Space and Astronautics, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. (Washington, 1959); also Legal Problems of Space Exploration, A Symposium prepared for the use of Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, XJ. S. Senate, 87th Cong., 1st Sess., Doc. No. 26 (Washington, 1961).
3 Bin Cheng, “International Law and High Altitude Flights: Balloons, Rockets and Man-Made Satellites,” 6 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 493 (1957).
4 See Convention on the High Seas, Arts. 13-22. U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea, Geneva, 1958, Doc. A/CONF.13/38, Vol. II, p. 137.
5 E. Korovin, “International Status of Cosmic Space,” International Affairs (Moscow), No. 1, January, 1959, p. 55.
6 Loftus Becker, “Basic Aspects of the Problem of Space Law,” 38 Department of State Bulletin 962-967 (1958).
7 Franz Liszt, Le Droit international; Exposg systematique. Traduction frangaise d'apres la 9e edition allemande (1913) 87 (Paris, 1927).
8 Paul Fauchille, Le domaine aSrien et le regime juridique des aerostats 23 (Paris, 1901).
9 Jerzy Sztucki, “Bezpieczenstwo panstw a przestrzen kosmiczna” [Security of States and Cosmic Space], Sprawy Miedzynarodowe (Warsaw), Nos. 7-8, July-August, 1959, pp. 87-88.
10 Manfred Lachs, in his report, System bezpieczenstwa zbiorowego a sprawa bezpieczenstwa i pokoju [Collective Security System and the Problem of Security and Peace], assumes the existence of the right of each nation and of each state to peace; cf.Zagadnienie bezpieczenstwa zbiorowego w Europie [The Problem of Collective Security in Europe] Materialy sekeji Naukowej PAN, Warsaw, 1955, p. 53.