We discuss the asymptotic behavior of time-inhomogeneous
Metropolis chains for solving constrained sampling and optimization
problems. In addition to the usual inverse temperature schedule
N]*, the type of Markov processes under consideration
is controlled by a divergent sequence
(θn)n∈[hollow N]*
of parameters acting as Lagrange multipliers. The associated transition
probability matrices
(Pβn,θn)n∈[hollow N]*
are defined by Pβ,θ =
− Wθ(x))+) for
all pairs (x, y) of distinct elements of a finite set
Ω, where q is an irreducible and reversible Markov kernel
and the energy function Wθ is of the form
Wθ = U + θV for
some functions U,V : Ω → [hollow R].
Our approach, which is based on a comparison of the distribution
of the chain at time n with the invariant measure of
Pβn,θn, requires the computation of an upper bound for the
second largest eigenvalue in absolute value of Pβn,θn.
We extend the geometric bounds derived by Ingrassia and we give
new sufficient conditions on the control sequences for the
algorithm to simulate a Gibbs distribution with energy U
on the constrained set [Ω with tilde above] = {x ∈
Ω : V(x) = minz∈ΩV(z)} and to minimize U over [Ω with
tilde above].