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Books Received July 2012
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 June 2012
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Baiasu, R., Bird, G., and Moore, A.W. (eds) Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time, Palgrave MacMillan, 2012. 300pp, £55CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Banham, G., Schulting, D., and Hems, N. (eds) The Continuum Companion to Kant, Continuum, 2012. 408pp, £100Google Scholar
Bankovsky, Miriam. Perfecting Justice in Rawls, Habermas and Honneth: A Deconstructive Perspective, Continuum, 2012. 256pp, £65Google Scholar
Barney, R., Brennan, T., and Brittain, C. (eds) Plato and the Divided Self, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 396pp, £60CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Bartlett, R.C. and Collins, S.D. (trans.) Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Chicago University Press, 2012. 339pp, £9.50Google Scholar
Bengson, J. and Moffett, M.A. (eds) Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action, Oxford University Press, 2012. 401pp, £55CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Blake, C., Molloy, C., and Shakespeare, S. (eds) Beyond Human: From Animality to Transhumanism, Continuum, 2012. 312pp, £19.99Google Scholar
Brake, Elizabeth. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law, Oxford University Press, 2012. 240pp, £15.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Bridges, J., Kolodny, N., and Wong, W-H. (eds) The Possibility of Philosophical Understanding: Reflections on the Thought of Barry Stroud, Oxford University Press, 2012. 300pp, $45Google Scholar
Cappelen, Herman. Philosophy without Intuitions, Oxford University Press, 2012. 242pp, £25CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Casullo, Albert. Essays on A Priori Knowledge and Justification, Oxford University Press, 2012. 344pp, £45CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Clark, K.J. and Rea, M. (eds) Reason, Metaphysics, and Mind: New Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Plantinga, Oxford University Press, 2012. 220pp, £55CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Crasnow, S.L., and Superson, A.M. (eds) Out From the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2012. 545pp, £27.50CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Crowell, Steven (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 412pp, £18.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Curzer, Howard J.Aristotle and the Virtues, Oxford University Pres, 2012. 451pp, £50CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Deranty, J-P. and Ross, A. (eds) Jacque Rancière and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality, Continuum, 2012. 288pp, £19.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Dupré, John. Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology, Oxford University Press, 2012. 350pp, £30CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Evans, John H.The History and Future of Bioethics: A Sociological View, Oxford University Press, 2012. 199pp, £30Google Scholar
Ferrell, Robyn. Sacred Exchanges: Images in Global Context, Columbia University Press, 2012. 192pp, £27.50Google Scholar
Finn, S.J., Case, C., Underwood, B., and Zuck, J. The Philosophy Skills Book: Exercises in Philosophical Thinking, Reading, and Writing, Continuum, 2012. 232pp, £12.99Google Scholar
Fischer, John Martin. Deep Control: Essays on Free Will and Value, Oxford University Press, 2012. 244pp, £45CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Freeman, Damien. Art's Emotions: Ethics, Expression and Aesthetic Experience, Acumen, 2012. 210pp, £18.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gozzano, S. and Hill, C.S. (eds) New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 294pp, £55CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Glüer, Kathrin. Donald Davidson: A Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2012. 313pp, £15.99Google Scholar
Goodman, L.E. and McGregor, R. (eds) The Case of the Animals Versus Man Before the King of the Jinn: A Translation from the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity, Oxford University Press, 2012. 389pp, £16.99Google Scholar
Gotthelf, Allan. Teleology, First Principles, and Scientific Method in Aristotle's Biology, Oxford University Press, 2012. 440pp, £55CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gregg, S. and James, H. (eds) Natural Law, Economics, and the Common Good, Imprint Academic, 2012. 320ppGoogle Scholar
Handfield, Toby. A Philosophical Guide to Chance, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 256pp, £50CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hanson, J. and Kelly, M.R. (eds) Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought, Continuum, 2012. 192pp, £65Google Scholar
Hassoun, Nicole. Globalization and Global Justice: Shrinking Distance, Expanding Obligations, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 225pp, £50CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hawthorne, J. and Manley, D. The Reference Book, Oxford University Press, 2012. 264pp, £30CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hill, B. and Lagerlund, H. (eds) The Philosophy of Francisco Suárez, Oxford University Press, 2012. 294pp, £45CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hodgson, David. Rationality + Consciousness = Free Will, Oxford University Pres, 2012. 267pp, £40CrossRefGoogle Scholar
James, Susan. Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics: The Theologico-Political Treatise, Oxford University Press, 2012. 278pp, £30CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Joy, Morny. (ed.) After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion, University of Calgary Press, 2012. 302pp, $41.95Google Scholar
Kemp, Gary. Quine versus Davidson: Truth, Reference, and Meaning, Oxford University Press, 2012. 191ppCrossRefGoogle Scholar
Kitaro, Nishida. Ontology of Production: 3 Essays (trans. Haver, William), Duke University Press, 2012. 208pp, £16.99Google Scholar
Kraut, Richard. Against Absolute Goodness, Oxford University Press, 2012. 224pp, £30CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Lampert, J. Simultaneity and Delay: A Dialectical Theory of Staggered Time, Continuum, 2012. 272pp, £65Google Scholar
Lee, Steven P.Ethics and War: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 328pp, £18.99Google Scholar
Machuga, Ric. Life, the Universe, and Everything: An Aristotelian Philosophy for a Scientific Age, The Lutterworth Press, 2012. 308pp, £22.50Google Scholar
Margolis, E., Samuels, R., and Stich, S.P. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Oxford University Press, 2012. 562pp, £95CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Matson, Wallace. Grand Theories and Everyday Beliefs: Science, Philosophy, and Their Histories, Oxford University Press, 2012. 223pp, £22.50Google Scholar
McEvoy, J., Dunne, M., and Hynes, J. (eds) Thomas Aquinas: Teacher and Scholar, Four Courts Press, 2012. 264pp, £50Google Scholar
McGinn, Colin. Basic Structures of Reality: Essays in Meta-Physics, Oxford University Press, 2012. 243pp, £32.50CrossRefGoogle Scholar
McGinn, Colin. Truth by Analysis: Games, Names, and Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2012. 189pp, £40Google Scholar
Moore, A.W. The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 668pp, £70Google Scholar
Mulgan, Tim. Ethics for a Broken World: Imagining Philosophy After Catastrophe, Acumen, 2012. 228pp, £16.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Pinkard, Terry. Hegel's Naturalism: Mind, Nature, and the Final Ends of Life, Oxford University Press, 2012. 213pp, £40CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Pippin, Robert B.Fatalism in American Film Noir, University of Virginia Press, 2012. 135pp, £21.95Google Scholar
Pippin, Robert (ed.) Introduction to Nietzsche, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 292pp, £17.99CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Prosser, S. and Recanati, F. (eds) Immunity to Error through Misidentification, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 294pp, £60CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Raveh, Daniel. Exploring the Yogasutra: Philosophy and Translation, Continuum, 2012. 184pp, £19.99Google Scholar
Robinson, Daniel M.How Is Nature Possible? Kant's Project in the First Critique, Continuum, 2012.Google Scholar
Sainsbury, R.M., and Tye, M. Seven Puzzles of Thought: And How to Solve Them: An Originalist Theory of Concepts, Oxford University Press, 2012. 194pp, £25CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Schwartz, D. (ed.) Interpreting Suárez: Critical Essays, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 218pp, £50Google Scholar
Sedgwick, Sally. Hegel's Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, Oxford University Press, 2012. 194pp, £35CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Spohn, Wolfgang. The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and its Philosophical Applications, Oxford University Press, 2012. 598pp, £75CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Steward, Helen. A Metaphysics of Freedom, Oxford University Press, 2012. 267pp, £35CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Strong, Tracy B. Politics Without Vision: Thinking Without A Banister in the Twentieth Century, Chicago University Press, 2012. 406pp, £26CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Tan, Kok-Chor. Justice, Institutions, and Luck: The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality, Oxford University Press, 2012. 208pp, £30CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Temkin, Larry S. Rethinking the Good: Moral Ideals and the Nature of Practical Reasoning, Oxford University Press, 2012. 616pp, £45CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Wilberding, J. and Horn, C. (eds) Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature, Oxford University Press, 2012. 257pp, £45CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Woell, John W.Peirce, James, and a Pragmatic Philosophy of Religion, Continuum, 2012. 224pp, £65Google Scholar
Yeomans, Christopher. Freedom and Reflection: Hegel and the Logic of Agency, Oxford University Press, 2012. 275pp, £45Google Scholar
Zimmermann, Jens. Humanism & Religion: A Call for the Renewal of Western Culture, Oxford University Press, 2012. 379pp, £75CrossRefGoogle Scholar