Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2022
Taking a cue from Bohr's use of the notion of a reference frame in his reply to EPR's argument against the completeness (and consistency) of standard quantum theory, this paper presents an analysis ofthe role of reference frames in the situation considered by EPR, using a quantum-theoretical account of physical reference frames based on the work of Mackey, and Aharonov and Kaufherr. That analysis appears to justify at least some crucial aspects of a Bohrian reply to EPR.
My thinking about the reply to EPR (and especially possible connections with the historical Bohr, which are not considered here) has benefited enormously from the historical and philosophical work of Tanona (2002). A helpful discussion with Harvey Brown cleared up some points about reference frames. Thanks also to audiences at Indiana, Vienna, Krakow, Utrecht, London, and Oxford, for their patience and helpful comments on half-baked versions of these ideas.