When I say
Thank you for caring for me today,
I am not merely thanking you for just doing your job,
The job for which you trained
Through countless books, coffee breaks, and examinations
I mean thank you for caring for me
As if I were your grandfather,
Frail in the bleak of winter,
When all of my neighbors have migrated south
To soak in the warmth of the Atlantic Ocean,
And I am left alone, wondering how I could
Motivate my grandchildren to come visit,
While being paralyzed due to a cold
That seeps into my bones
So when I say that I am thankful for your care,
I mean that I appreciate that you remember
That Carnaval is my favorite holiday,
And that you recommend books for me to read
Based on my fascination with magic realism
Competing interests
The author declares no conflicts of interest.