Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 December 2008
In Norwegian, these two types of constructions expressing an NP with a (prenominal) possessor exist:
(i) Pers bil ‘Peter's car’
(ii) Per sin bil Peter his, refl. car ‘Peter's car’
I argue that the s in (i) is not a case affix, but rather a variant of sin. Furthermore, I discuss how [Per] in (ii) assigned Case, and the fact that Per and sin apparently share a theta-role. I suggest that they constitute a chain in (ii), to which Case and a theta-role is assigned.
I shall compare the definition of “chain” in Chomsky 1981 to the modified definition of Kayne 1981. The modified definition, together with other principles suggested by Kayne 1981/1983, not only permits our analysis of (ii), but also provides interesting predictions about this construction, and indirectly about the lack of it in a related language, Icelandic.