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Editorial board

Maria Shevtsova , Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
[email protected]

Assistant Editor

Philippa Burt, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
[email protected]

Book Review Editor

Rachel Clements, Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance|SL07 Martin Harris Centre|University of Manchester|Bridgeford Street|Manchester, M13 9PL|UK
[email protected]

Hon Advisory Editors

Anne Bogart

Tracy Davis, Northwestern University, USA

Declan Donnellan, Cheek by Jowl, UK

Dennis Kelly

Robert Wilson

Contributing Editors

Khalid Amine, Senior Professor of Performance Studies at Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetuoan, Morocco and President of the International Centre for Performance Studies, Tangier

Eugenio Barba, Odin Teatret, Denmark

Adrian Curtin, University of Exeter, UK

Catherine Diamond, Soochow University, Taiwan

Nadine George-Graves, Chair of the Department of Dance and Professor of the Department of Theatre, The Ohio State University

Hannah Greenstreet, University of Oxford, UK

Chengzhou He, University of Nanjing, China

Ian Herbert, Founding Editor, Theatre Record

Nadine Holdsworth, University of Warwick, UK

Thomas Irmer, Theatre Critic and Editor, Germany

Tomasz Kubikowski, Professor at the Warsaw Theatre Academy and Literary Manager and Deputy Director for International Contact at the Polish National Theatre.

Vanessa Macauley, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Bella Merlin, UC Davis, USA

Judith Graves Miller, NYU, USA

Femi Osofisan, Theatre Arts at Kwara State University, Nigeria

Laurence Senelick, Tufts University, USA

Nick de Somogyi, Editor, The Shakespeare Folios, UK

Eva Urban-Devereux, Senior Research Fellow at the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast and Associate Fellow of the Institute of Irish Studies, QUB.

Ian Watson, Rutgers University, Newark, USA

Rose Whyman, University of Birmingham, UK

Emeritus Editors

Clive Barker †, Rose Bruford College, UK

Simon Trussler †, Rose Bruford College, UK