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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 April 2024
St Francis of Assisi is perhaps one of those few men of whom it can be said fairly: He is a man for all times. Much has been said and will no doubt be said on the reasons for this wonderful popularity which somehow seems to transcend the bounds of time and conquer the hearts of men of all creeds and none. There are indeed many reasons why Francis of Assisi continues to hold such a magnetic sway over the lives of so many but it would seem that at the very core of all of these is the Christ-centredness of his life. For St Francis, Christ Jesus, Incarnate, Crucified and Risen, was all. He it is who was the-pattern to which Francis would conform himself totally. St Francis made no conditions but rather he made a total surrender. In a manner at once simple and direct and yet immensely profound do the writings of this most human of saints ring out with the clear affirmation: Deus Meus et Omnia! In this meditation an attempt will be made to illustrate from these writings the christocentric character of St Francis’ way of life and to show how such considerations can be sharply relevant to our times.
1 Unless otherwise stated all quotations are taken from Marion A. Habig, OFM ed. St Francis of Assisi, Writings and Early Biographies: English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St Francis, (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1973).
2 For a more comprehensive study of the centrality of Christ see: Michael D. Meilach, OFM, The Primacy of Christ in Doctrine and Life, (Franciscan Herald Press, sa[1964]) and the revised version published under the title: From Order to Omega, (F.H.P. sa[1967]).
3 C. Esser OFM, The Order of St Francis, (F.H.P. 1974 (1959) 26.
4 ICelano 37 and 84; IICelano 24. Omnibus, 259, 299, 382.
5 Testament of St Clare, 2. in I. Brady, OFM, The Legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assisi, (The Franciscan Institute, St Bonaventure N.Y. 1953) 82.
6 St Bonaventure, Major Life, X.7. Omnibus, 710-711.
7 Bartholomew of Pisa, Liber de Conformitate... in Analecta Franciscana V, 354, 430.
8 St Bonaventure, Major Life, XIII. 5. Omnibus, 732.
9 St Bonaventure, Major Life, IV. 3. Omnibus, 655.
10 Some of the thoughts which appear in this section first appeared in a letter I wrote to The Tablet 25 November 1978. p 1046.
11 Omnibus, 96.
12 2 Celano 172. Omnibus, 500.
13 Mirror of Perfection 115. Omnibus, 1254.
14 Rule 1222, Ch. 22, Cf. D. Flood, OFM and T. Matura, OFM, The Birth of a Movement -A Study on the First Rule of St Francis, trans. by P. Schwartz OFM and P. Lachance OFM, (F.H.P. sa[1975]) 99.
15 Omnibus, 96. and Admonition V, Omnibus, 80.
16 Omnibus, 68.
17 Here I have made use of some thoughts I expressed in TAU a Franciscan spiritual review published by the Indian Vicariate, Vol. 4 No I (April 1979) 4-8 though I have made some substantial changes and added further insights.
18 Letter to a General Chapter, in Omnibus, 104.
19 Letter to a General Chapter, in Omnibus, 105-106;First Rule, 23, Cf. The Birth of a Movement, 103.
20 St Bonaventure, Major Life, II.5. Omnibus, 643.,
21 Admonition 1, Omnibus, 78.
22 St Bonaventure, Major Life, XI. 1. Omnibus, 711-712.
23 Cf. C. Esser, OFM and E. Grau, OFM, Love’s Reply; trans. by I. Brady, OFM, (Franciscan Herald Press sa[1963] esp.Ch. 11; also ICelano 89. Omnibus, 304.
24 Cf. Y. Congar, OP, Faith and the spiritual Life, (London sa[1969]) 43-44.
25 Testament, Omnibus, 68; and Legend of the Three Companions XII, 46. Omnibus, 932.
26 For example: Auspicius van Corstanje, The Covenant with God’s Poor, (Chicago: F.H.P. 1966) especially ch 5. Also: Duane V. Lapsanski, The Mission of St Francis within Salvation History, in The Cord Vol 26 No 11 (December 1976) 351-356.
27 Testament. Omnibus, 67 ICelano 62. Omnibus, 280.
28 IICelano 115. Omnibus, 487.