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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2024
Many attempts have been made in the Christian tradition to name or describe the Holy Spirit. We have heard the Spirit of God termed ‘teacher’ (Jn 14:26), ‘love’ (1 Jn 4:13), ‘gift’, ‘go-between’. Each of these descriptions is helpful and each is at the same time partial.
In this paper, we wish to explore the Spirit of God (in Christian terms, the Holy Spirit) in relation to air, earth, fire and water. Interest in the four elements has an ancient recorded history, reaching back at least to the Greek philosopher Empedocles in the 5th century BCE. It has also had a history in anatomy and psychology. We note this in reference to the ‘four humours’ in Elizabethan literature. Today, study of the four elements has an impact on areas of astrology, health care and religious traditions. We will focus on the Christian story.
We suggest that there is particular value today in linking the Spirit with four of earth’s elements, mindful always that such connections are analogical. We maintain that an awareness from our Tradition of the close links made between the Spirit and the elements can assist us not only to view the Holy Spirit anew, but can also remind us to respect more deeply the earth in whose elements we as human beings share. First, we will reflect theologically on each element in relation to the Spirit. Second, we will discuss the adequacy for pneumatology of such an understanding. We begin our study with a discussion of the element ‘air’.
1 Augustine of Hippo, in E. Hill (ed.), The Trinity. St Augustine, Bk V# 12 (New York: New City Press, 1991), 197.
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12 Cyril of Alexandria, “Commentary on St John's Gospel”, Bk 10. Cited in The Divine Office, Vol. II, 684.
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15 Attributed to Stephen Langton. Cited in Congar, Y., I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Vol. 1 (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1983), 110Google Scholar.
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20 James K. Baxter, “Song to the Holy Spirit” in Collected Poems, 572.
21 J. Quint (ed. and tr.), Meister Eckhart, 385. Cited in Sermon 26, n.15, M. Fox (ed.), Breakthrough, 562.
22 Cowley, Joy, “The Burning Bush” in Cowley, J. (text) and Coles, T. (photos), Psalms Down Under (Wellington: Catholic Supplies [NZ] Ltd, 1996), 33Google Scholar.
23 Cited in Y. Congar, I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Vol. 1, 109.
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25 Mechtild of Magdeburg, The Flowing Light of the Godhead, Bk VII #24, 295.
26 Hilary of Poitiers, “Discourse on Psalm 64, 14–15.” Cited in The Divine Office, Vol. III, (Sydney: E.J. Dwyer, 1974), 584.
27 Meister Eckhart, “Sermon 26” in Breakthrough, 363.
28 Cyril of Jerusalem, “Catechesis XVI”, #12, in The Fathers of the Church. The Works of St Cyril of Jerusalem, Vol. 2 (Washington DC: CUA., 1970). 82.
29 “Tears” in S. Noftke (tr. & intro.), Catherine of Siena: The Dialogue (New York: Paulist Press, 1980). 169.
30 Augustine of Hippo, in E. Hill (ed.). The Trinity: St Augustine Bk VII, #I9 (New York: City Press, 1991), 227.
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36 The critical question regarding access to the four elements for millions of human beings poses other questions which we can only note here.
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