In the border-zone between Cambodia and Thailand are located the ruins of an old temple Preah Vihear, over the precincts of which Cambodia claimed territorial sovereignty. Thailand on her side affirmed that the area in question lies on the Thai side of the frontier and on that ground considered herself entitled to station detachments of her armed forces there, as she has in fact done since 1954. With the aim of achieving the recognition of her territorial sovereignty in an international title and the withdrawal of the Thai detachments, Cambodia, on October 6, 1959, seised the International Court of Justice by a unilateral Application. In answer to Cambodia's Memorial which followed that Application, Thailand filed two preliminary objections to the jurisdiction of the Court. Since the proceedings on the merits of the case were eo ipso suspended under the provision of Article 62, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court, there was a first hearing of the case, confined to those preliminary objections, from 10 to 15 April 1961, followed by a Judgment of the Court dated May 26, 1961*), by which Thailand's preliminary defence was unanimously rejected. After a further exchange of pleadings, this time on the merits of the case, and new hearings, from March 1st to 31st 1962, the Court recently rendered its final Judgment on 15 June 1962**).