a) On p. 250, third line: ‘De Nederlandse exterritorialiteit in Siam’.
b) The UN Convention of Vienna of 24 April 1963 on Consular Relations: Official Records of UN Conference on Consular Relations, vol. I (Summary Records of Plenary Meetings and of Meetings of First and Second Committees): A/CONF. 25/16; vol. II (Annexes, Final Act, Convention, Optional Protocols, Resolutions): A/CONF.25/16 Add. 1.
c) Case law, p. 253, to be added:
President of the District Court of The Hague, 19 February 1988, Kort Geding 1988 No. 123; NIPR 1988 No. 407:
The Republic of Zaire had been declared bankrupt. In summary proceedings, the State of the Netherlands requested some injunctions to be given to the ‘curator’ (the trustee in bankruptcy). President Wijnholt, when giving the judgment as requested, considered the following: It is presumed that the State, in being a participant to the diplomatic intercourse has an interest of its own that the requested measures be taken. This can be inferred from statutory provisions of Dutch National law, such as Article 479a of the Code of Civil Procedure and Article 13, para. 4 of the Regulation for Bailiffs (deurwaarders).
d) See for consular marriages, among others, Kosters, J., Dubbink, C.W., Algemeen Deel van het Nederlandse Internationaal Privaatrecht, ch. XXV, pp. 874–895.
e) The present Supreme Court decision was published in Nederlandse Jurisprudentie 1997 No. 469, with a comment by Th.M. de Boer.
f) The Dutch Government filed a bill on 28 October 1997 (Parliamentary Documents No. 25703) in order to have the Act on the Conflict of Laws in the field of Marriage (Wet conflictenrecht huwelijk) modified. As from the date of entering into force of the proposed statutory provisions, a Dutch national, regardless of other nationalities which he or she may have, can enter into a contract of marriage in the Netherlands before the registrar only. This is in line with the policy the government adhered to before the Supreme Court's decision.