Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 May 2009
Both the relationship between international and municipal law and fundamental rights are important themes of contemporary public law, and have been frequently discussed, among others by Professor Tammes, to whom these lines are devoted in gratitude. This is no reason, however, to consider these matters as closed. Both are still of current interest since they affect the very foundations of law. New developments give rise to new reflections. In law, man's freedom is constantly at stake. Breaches of fundamental rights are the order of the day. But also, and this may justify cautious optimism, these rights are no longer a merely national responsibility. Fundamental human rights, if anything, manifest the relationship between international and municipal law. They are no longer the basis of municipal law only, but also of international law. Fundamental rights occur in both spheres and therefore play a part in the problems of the relationship between them.
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