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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 May 2009
1. Cf., e.g., the report of T.M.C. Asser, ‘Conférence Internationale de La Haye de 1893 pour la codification du droit international privé, 13 Annuaire (1894) pp. 369–376, at p. 370.
2. Cf., Lando, O., ‘Principles of European Contract Law. An Alternative or a Precursor of European Legislation’, 56 RabelsZ (1992) pp. 261–273;Google ScholarBonell, M.J. ‘Das UNTOROIT-Projekt für die Ausarbeitung von Regeln für intemationale Handelsverträge’, 56 RabelsZ (1992) pp. 274–288;Google ScholarDrobnig, U., ‘Ein Vertragsrecht für Europa’, in Festschrift für Ernst Steindorff (1990) pp. 1141–1154.Google Scholar
3. Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, O J.E.C. No. L 266/1.
4. Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, O.J.E.C. 1978 No. L 304/36; Lugano Convention of 16 September 1988 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, O.J.E.C. 1988 No. L 319/9 and 1990 No. C 189/2.
5. Cf., Oppermarm, T., Europarecht (1991) p. 442 et seq.Google Scholar
6. Cf., the name of the Conference, supra a 1.
7. Asser, T.M.C. in Actes de la Conference de La Haye chargée de réglementer diverses matières de droit international privé (12–27 septembre 1893). Premiére partie (1893) p. 26;Google Scholar also partially reprinted in Buzzati, G.C., Trattato di diritto internazionale privato secondo le convenzioni dell’ Aja, vol. 1 (1907) p. 30.Google Scholar
8. Hartwieg, O. and Korkisch, F., Die geheimen Materialien zur Kodifikation des deutschen Internationalen Privatrechts 1881–1896 (1973) p. 178 et seq.Google Scholar
9. Ibid., p. 425.
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11. Hartwieg and Korkisch, op. cit n. 8, p. 47 et seq.
12. Cf., especially the two drafts of Albert Gebhard in: Niemeyer, T., Zur Vorgeschichte des Internationalen Privatrechtsim Deutschen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch(‘Die Gebhardschen Materialien‘) (1915) pp. 4 and 13 et seq.; also reprinted in Hartwieg and Korkisch, op. cit. n. 8, pp. 62 and 68 et seq.Google Scholar
13. Hartwieg, and Korkisch, , op. cit. n. 8, pp. 39 and 159 et seq.Google Scholar
14. Cf., J., Schnell, Über die Zuständigkeit zum Erlass von gesetzlichen Vorschriften über die räumliche Herrschaft der Rechtnarmen’, 5 Niemeyers Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht (1895) p. 337Google Scholar et seq.; A., Niedner, Das Einführungsgesetz vom 18.8.1897 (1899) p. 13 et seq.Google Scholar
15. Hartwieg and Korkisch, op. cit. n. 8, pp. 39 et seq., 196 et seq., especially p. 197, and 207 et seq.
16. Such an attitude of the German delegation is mentioned by the German Ministry of Justice, as an opponent of the German Foreign Office: cf., Hartwieg and Korkisch, op. cit. n. 8, pp. 41 and 208 etseq.
17. Convention of 12 June 1902 Governing Conflict of Laws Concerning Marriage; Convention of 12 June 1902 on the Law Applicable to Divorce and Separation; Convention of 12 June 1902 on the Regulation of Guardianship for Minors.
18. Convention of 17 July 1905 on the Application of Laws Concerning the Effects of Marriage on Rights and Duties of Spouses in their Personal Relations and on Matrimonial Property; Convention of 17 July 1905 on the Law Applicable to the Incapacitation of Incapable Persons.
19. The first session after 1945 took place in 1951 as the 7th session of the Conference.
20. Cf., Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, Recueil des conventions—Collection of Conventions (1951–1988) (1989) p. 1.Google Scholar
21. Nadelmann, K.H., ‘The United States Joins the Hague Conference on Private International Law – A History with Comments, 30 Law and Contemporary Problems (1965) pp. 291–325;Google ScholarConflict of Laws: International and Interstate (1972) ss. 99–139.Google Scholar
22. Especially Australia and Canada.
23. Convention of 24 October 1956 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations in Respect of Children, in op. cit. n. 20, p. 32.
24. Convention of 1 August 1989 on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons, in op. cit n. 20, p. 341.
25. Bundesverfassungsgericht 4 May 1971, Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 31, p. 58=Die deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete des Internationalen Privatrechts (IPRspr.) (1971) no. 39, p. 101.Google Scholar
26. Cf., Arts. 14(l)no.2, 15(1), 17(1) 1st sentence, 19(l)and (2), 20(2) EGBGB, version of 25 July 1986, reprinted in Jayme, E. and Hausmann, R., Internationales Privat-und Verfahrensrecht, 6th edn. (1992) p. 1.Google Scholar
27. Hague Convention of 24 October 1956, supra n. 23; Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Concerning the Powers of Authorities and the Law Applicable in Respect of the Protection of Minors, in op. cit n. 20, pp. 1–42; Hague Convention of 2 October 1973 on die Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations, in op. cit. n. 20, p. 219.
28. Cf., Siehr, K. in Mūnchener Kommentar zum BGB, vol. 7, 2nd edn. (1990) Art 19 Anhang, marginal note 110 et seq.Google Scholar
29. Siehr, ibid, marginal note 214.
30. Hague Convention of 14 March 1978, in op. cit n. 20, p. 229.
31. Hague Convention of 14 March 1978 on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages; Convention of IS November 196S on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees Relating to Adoptions; Convention of 1 August 1989 on Succession, in op. cit. n. 20, pp. 243, 65 and 341, respectively.
32. Convention of 15 June 1955 ontheLaw Applicable to International Sales of Goods; Convention of 15 April 1958 on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Property in Cases of International Sales of Goods, in op. cit. a 20, pp. 12 and 16.
33. This happened on 1 January 1962.
34. Landgericht Hamburg 11 August 1965, in Zentralblatt für Jugendrecht und Jugendwofujahrt (1967) p. 90 = IPRspr. (1964–65) no. 147, p. 432;Google ScholarLandgericht Munich 18 June 1975,Google Scholar in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (1975) p. 1609 = IPRspr. (1975) no. 165, pp. 403,405;Google ScholarJacobs, R., ‘Der räumlich-persönliche Geltungsbereich des Haager Unterhaltsabkommens, Neue juristische Wochenschrift (1967) p. 1065 et seq.Google Scholar
35. Cf., Siehr, loc. cit. n. 28, Art. 18 Anhang II, marginal note 84.
36. Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 on the Conflicts of Laws Relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions, in op. cit. n. 20, p. 49.
37. Convention of 1961 on the form of wills, supra n. 36, and Convention of 1973 on maintenance, supra n. 27.
38. Cf., Arts. 18 and 26(1)–(3)EGBGB, version of 25 July 1986, supra n. 26.
39. Op. cit a 20, p. 12.
40. Supra n. 3.
41. Op. cit. n. 20, p. 143.
42. Cf., 81 Rev. crit (1992) p. 189.
43. Cf., the critical essays of Beitzke, G., ‘Die 11. Haager Konferenz und das Kollisionsrecht der Strassenverkehrsunfälle’, 33 RabelsZ (1969) pp. 204, 214Google Scholar et seq.; Deutsch, E., ‘Internationales Unfallrecht’, in von Caemmerer, E., ed., Vorschläge und Gutachten zur Reform des deutschen internationalen Privatrechts der ausservertraglichen Schuldverhältnisse (1983) pp. 202, 214Google Scholar et seq.; Stoll, H., ‘Anknüpfungsgrundsätze bei der Haftung für Strassenverkehrsunfälle und der Produktenhaftung nach der neueren Entwicklung des internationalen Deliktsrechts’, in lnternationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung im Ausgang des 20. Jahrhunderts, Festschrift für Gerhard Kegel (1977) pp. 113, 123 et seq.Google Scholar
44. As to the text of this regulation, cf., Jayme and Hausmann, op. cit n. 26, p. 163; as to its application to traffic accidents, cf., Wandt, M., ‘Das anwendbare Recht auf Strassenverkehrsunfälle mit Auslandsberührung nach deutschem internationalen Privatrecht’, Versicherungsrecht (1990)pp. 1301–1310, at p. 1303.Google Scholar
45. Binder, H., ‘Zur Auflockerung des Deliktsstatuts’, 20 RabesZ (1955) p. 401 et seq.;Google ScholarKropholler, J., ‘Ein Anknüpfungssystem für das Deliktsstatut’, 33 RabelsZ (1969) p. 601 et seq.Google Scholar
46. Cf., the text of the draft in Münchener Kommewar, op.cit.n.28, Vor Art. 38EGBGB, marginal note 6, p. 1874 (Arts. 40–42).
47. Op. cit n. 20, p. 193.
48. Rev. crit., op. cit. n. 42, p. 190.
49. As to this objection, cf., Lorenz, W., ‘Der Haager Konventionsentwurf über das auf die Produktenhaftpflicht anwendbare Recht’, 37 RabelsZ (1973) pp. 317–356, pp. 328–335; Stoll, loc. cit n. 43, p. 132 et seq.Google Scholar
50. Cf., de Leyssac, C. in Product Liability in Europe (1975) pp. 55, 56 et seq.Google Scholar
51. Lorenz, loc. cit. n. 49.
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53. Cf., Aits. 49,83(1) and 93(1) of the Swiss Federal Act on Private International Law, English translations in: LDIP/IPRG/LDIP/CPIL (1989) p. 13 et seq.; Karrer, P.A. and Arnold, K.W., Switzerland's Private International Law Statute 1987 (1989) p. 27Google Scholar et seq.; Thomann, F.H. et al. , Swiss Federal Act on International Private Law (1989) p. 1 et seq.Google Scholar
54. Cf., the official explanations of the bill in Pirning, J., Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht nach dem Inkrafttreten der Neuegelung des IPR. Texte, Materialmen, Hiweise (1987) pp. 154 and 172.Google Scholar
55. Art. 2 of die Hague Maintenance Convention of 1956, supra n. 23, and Art. 15 of the Hague Maintenance Convention of 1973, supra n. 27.
56. Art 26(2) of the Hague Convention of 2 October 1973 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations, in op. cit. n. 20, pp. 203, 211.
57. Cf., e.g., Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (4 issues per year on international law), Zeitschriftfür das gesamte Familienrecht (FamRZ).
58. Cf., especially the periodical Praxis deslnternationalen Privat-und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), published every second month.
59. This yearbook has been published since 1926.
60. Cf., Linke, H., Internationales Zivilprozessrecht (1990) p. 95;Google ScholarSchack, H., Internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht (1991) p. 229.Google Scholar
61. Supra n. 34.
62. Supra n. 27.
63. Cf., the series Gutachten zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, published annually or every second year.
64. Cf., Siehr, loc. cit. n. 28, marginal note 313, p. 1241.
65. Siehr, loc. cit. n. 28, marginal note 117 et seq.
66. Cf., Federal Supreme Court (BGH) 2 May 1990, Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs in Zivilsachen 111, p. 199=IPRspr. (1990)no. 143.Google Scholar
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68. ‘Bibliographic relative aux travaux de la Conférence (1945–1991)’, in Conférence la Haye, de, Actes et documents de la Seizème session, 3 au 20 octobre 1988, vol. 1 (1991) p. 283 et seq.Google Scholar
69. Cf. Lansky, R., Das Haager Übereinkommen vom 15. April 1958 über die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen aufdem Gebiet der UnterhaUspflicht gegenüber Kindern (1960);Google ScholarKropholler, J., Das Haager Übereinkommen über den Schutz Minderjähriger, 2nd eda (1977);Google ScholarPfeil-Kammerer, C., Das Haager Übereinkommen über Auslandszustellungen und ausländische Beweisaufnahmen und ihre Anwendung im deutsch-amerikanischen Rechtshilfeverkehr (Diss. Hamburg 1973).Google Scholar
70. These reports have mostly been published in Rabels Zeitschrift: 17 RabelsZ (1952) p. 161; 24 (1959) p. 1; 27 (1962) p. 411; 30 (1966) p. 606; 33 (1969) p. 204; 37 (1973) p. 317; 46 (1982) p. 643; 50 (1986) p. 562; IPRax (1987) p. 52.
71. infra n.58.
72. Cf., Art. 11 of the Treaty of 31 August 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the Re-establishment of the Unity of Germany (Unification Treaty), Bundesgesetzblatt (1990-II) pp. 889, 893.
73. Cf., Schwab, D., ed., Familienrecht und deutsche Einigung (1991);Google ScholarPirrung, J., Siehr, K. and Drobnig, U., in SS RabelsZ (1991) p. 211 et seq.Google Scholar