“Computer programming is an art,
because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world,
because it requires skill and ingenuity,
and especially because it produces objects of beauty.”
Donald E. Knuth, 1974
In a broad sense, this book review focuses on a volume that aims to explicate the main rationale of computational thinking using Python, primarily targeting readers with a background in linguistics. The book’s core content is structured across 10 self-contained chapters (chs. 2–11), featuring an introduction to environments for interacting with the language, an appendix on the NLTK package (or Natural Language Toolkit) and an index with the terms introduced throughout the contribution. Each chapter also includes a gamut of exercises (of varying degrees of difficulty) allowing readers to practise the theoretical concepts brought in thus far. This book provides a further contribution to a set of textbooks that Hammond has put to press over the years for language scientists seeking practical computing knowledge. This collection includes titles on Java technology (Hammond, Reference Hammond2002) and Perl (Hammond, Reference Hammond2003). These programming languages, alongside Prolog (see, for instance, Nugues, Reference Nugues2014), C, Haskell or Lisp, have been extensively used by professionals and researchers in the field of Natural Language Processing (henceforth NLP), until the advent of Python some decades ago. Probably one of the reasons why this publication is eagerly anticipated by those unfamiliar with this coding language is its reputation as an “extremely powerful and versatile [language] while at the same time also easily understood and learned” (Lin et al., Reference Lin, Aizenman, Espinel, Gunnerson and Liu2022, p. 5).
The volume begins with an introductory exploration of important questions, such as ‘Why is Python a good choice for linguistics?’ or ‘Why do linguists need to learn how to program?’. It also includes some remarks pinpointing the unique characteristics (the distinctive feature lies in its focus on readers with a linguistic expertise) that set this volume apart from others currently available in the market, as well as its distinctions from existing Python resources. Chapter 1, “Interacting with Python and basic functions”, surveys different ways of using Python and how to invoke it. It could have been useful to include some information on how to install Python, particularly for readers working with Windows. The author primarily works with the interactive environment (i.e., a terminal window running a Python interpreter). This chapter also offers some guidelines for fundamental interactions with the language, and concludes with concise instructions on editing and running programs from the command line. The subsequent two chapters are of paramount importance for any ab initio learner of programming, as they cover the creation of variables as well as the use of control structures to manipulate them. Both variable assignment and control structures constitute, in Hammond’s view, “the heart and soul of programming in Python” (p. 54).
Chapter 2, “Data types and variables”, begins with some hints on naming variables and assigning values to them. The bulk of the chapter revolves around introducing fundamental data types and structuresFootnote a and, more importantly, some built-in methods and functions that Python has already implemented to manipulate them. The last part delves into the concept of mutability, which broadly refers to the property of some data types being alterable after creation. Chapter 3, “Control structures”, introduces Python’s essential control structures, which are the raison d’être of “almost everything you need to know to write meaningful and useful programs” (p. 29). After a brief detour on the relevance of code grouping, the discussion shifts to conditional statements (if) and loops (for and while). The chapter also includes some observations on printing expressions, as well as loop control statements (break and continue) whose ultimate function is to alter execution from its default order. It culminates with a practical example illustrating how to create diverse syllables and sentences, particularly useful for generating stimuli in psycholinguistic research.
In Chapter 4, “Input-output”, the author transitions to various mechanisms for populating programs with data from a range of sources. Five methods of inputting data are discussed in the book: command-line, standard input, keyboard input, file input-output, and web. The chapter concludes with a meticulously crafted program accompanied by comprehensive comments on conducting lexical statistics (i.e., correlation between word length and word frequency) using Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s adventures in Wonderland (Alice for short) as a running example, and guiding readers through each step. This excerpt is sourced from Project Gutenberg. Chapter 5, “Subroutines and modules”, proffers some techniques to break down lengthy and repetitive programs into more straightforward and easily manageable code snippets, which is achieved by utilising functions and modules. Various types of functions are introduced progressively (i.e., simple functions, functions that return values, functions that take arguments, and recursive functions), before embarking on the creation of modules as a collection of functions and objects that can be shared across multiple programs. The chapter also explores the notion of recursivity (as applied to functions), which is essential for tasks like creating a phrase structure grammar. Additionally, the use of the lambda keyword to define unnamed functions is covered and further examined in Chapter 11. This contribution finishes with insights into code documentation via docstrings and comments, along with a brief demonstration of sentence analysis in Alice.
In Chapter 6, “Regular expressions”, the author dedicates the entire section to regular expressions (for pattern matching), a crucial and valuable aspect of programming in linguistic research. The greater part of the chapter focuses on the functionalities of the re module and its related functions, including search(), group(), start(), end(), span() and findall(). The syntax associated with specifying patterns—such as union, concatenation and Kleene star Footnote b—is thoroughly explored. Notably, the text explores the intricacies of backreferences, a significant improvement with respect to conventional regular expressions. As the book describes, backreferences allow you to refer back to previously used parentheses in a pattern. The chapter also includes a case study demonstrating how regular expressions can be employed to identify word-initial consonant clusters in Alice.
Chapter 7, titled “Text manipulation”, examines the tools that can be used for transforming “one string of letters into another” (p. 138). Given that string manipulation can involve a gamut of costly computational operations (depending on the specific objective), this section introduces several libraries and resources such as re.sub(), str.translate(), re.split() and the join() method. While the majority of the chapter focuses on the fundamentals of Porter’s stemming algorithm—a technique for extracting suffixes from (specific) stems, such as running (<run) or obfuscation (<obfuscate)—Hammond showcases its potential through illustrative use cases. Even though the instances provided are self-evident in most cases, some comments on the output of each function could have been useful to accompany the fragments of code. Not only does this case study explore the possibilities of text manipulation, but it also investigates concepts inducted from previous chapters.
Chapter 8, “Internet data”, delves into the automatic retrieval of information from websites by means of the urllib.request module. Since this process requires knowing the format and encoding of web pages, some sections are entirely devoted to introducing the basic tenets of HTML using the BeautifulSoup (bs4) module, and encoding systems such as ASCII, Unicode, UTF-16 and, particularly, UTF-8 (the one that Python reads). This chapter also prefaces the utility of computer parallelism, by means of the multiprocessing module, when fetching data from several web pages all at once, and is rounded off with the implementation of a web crawler to collect texts in Welsh and save their content. It could perhaps have also included a discussion of the differences between web scraping and web crawling, however. The next three chapters explore different programming paradigms from the procedural programming one used until now.
Chapter 9, “Objects”, introduces the logic of object-oriented programming, as opposed to sequences of commands. This coding approach enables the structured organisation of programs into classes and objects in a clearer fashion. It commences with the introduction and (ample) exemplification of key terms like class, object (or instance of a class), class method, instance method, class variable or instance variable. All this paves the way for exploring the nitty-gritty of the concept of inheritance. The chapter closes with a useful OO-driven case study on syllabification, where all programming strategies introduced thus far are employed.
In Chapter 10, “GUIs”, Hammond presents event-driven programming using graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with tkinter (i.e., Python’s built-in GUI toolkit). GUIs permit the user to interact with Python through input modes and, therefore, the major part of this contribution revolves around the presentation of widgets (or GUI elements) such as labels, buttons or pop-up menus. Not only does this chapter focus on their implementation, but also digs into the different packing options to organise widgets in a window; modify things like colour, spacing and font; display messages; and insert text. A case study implements Porter’s stemmer (see ch. 7) using GUI programming. Finally, Chapter 11 on “Functional programming” elucidates the ideal governing functional programming (an approach rooted in lambda calculus). Despite its limitations, it advocates practices like avoiding global variables, immutable variable usage and embracing functions as arguments, often employing recursion and comprehensions to replace control structures. The appendix on the nltk module includes some important information on how to use some of the corpora available, how to tokenize a stretch of text, how to eliminate function words (i.e., stopwords), and how to part-of-speech tag a text.
All in all, Hammond, a renowned expert in (theoretical) morphology and prosodic phonology, has crafted an excellent introductory textbook on programming. This high-calibre resource enables language scientists to grasp the fundamental principles of Python code for managing basic language processing tasks. After absorbing and practising the content, readers will gain a solid command of the Python programming language. This competence should suffice for tackling typical linguistic daily challenges. Furthermore, it may empower readers to delve into more advanced Python-related topics (see Roth and Wiegand, Reference Roth and Wiegand2021, p. 220).
Among the various avenues for further study opened up by this volume, it heightens awareness of the intricacies of the swiftly evolving field of NLPFootnote c (see, e.g., Allen (Reference Allen1995), Bird et al. (Reference Bird, Klein and Loper2009), Eisenstein (Reference Eisenstein2019), Jurafsky and Martin (Reference Jurafsky and Martin2009), Manning and Schütze (Reference Manning and Schütze1999) or Zhang and Teng (Reference Zhang and Teng2021)). Another option is delving into cutting-edge algorithmic research, exemplified by the highly acclaimed volumes of Knuth’s The art of computer programming, arguably the most comprehensive theoretical account of computer programming.Footnote d It also complements other books on programming that have been specifically published for linguists in the last few years, particularly Mason (Reference Mason2000), Hammond (Reference Hammond2002, Reference Hammond2003) or Weisser (Reference Weisser2009)Footnote e.
The inclusion of exercises at the end of each chapter is one of the main strengths of the book since this affords potential readers to run through programming skills applied to linguistic problems. Although most of these exercises are of use, it would also have been profitable to cogitate about (mini-)projects directly linked to the computational processes inherent in the implementation of certain constructions attested, for example, in currently available grammars. One of these includes The Cambridge grammar of the English language (Huddleston, Pullum et al., Reference Huddleston and Pullum2002) (cf. Brew, Reference Brew2003), arguably the fullest account of English grammar produced to date. It is also extremely useful to have all the material (including source code) covered in the textbook publicly accessible in the companion websiteFootnote f, although there are no solutions available.
We are indebted to Idoia Berges, Juanan Pereira, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre and the book review editor of Natural Language Processing (previously known as Natural Language Engineering), Diana Maynard, for useful comments and suggestions on a previous draft. Usual disclaimers apply.
Author contributions
Each author has made an equitable contribution to the composition of this book review.
Competing interest
The authors hereby affirm that there are no competing interest pertaining to this manuscript.